what do u do when u have lost hope!


New member
Hi out there. I am a 16 year old male with cf and diabetes. I am a sophomore in high school. I know what it's like to give up and think life won't ever get better. I used to think that life sucked because my parents divorced when I was seven, was having a tough time with taking my meds, and then when I was 13 I moved away from my friends and my father, was never hospitalized until I moved and know I have been hospitalized for many different things, when I was 15 I developed diabetes "cfrd", was an A & B student and then my grades started to slip, having trouble with my step dad and was questioning my religion. I felt that god wanted me to be miserable. To be honest, the only thing that kept me going for a while was music. I really love music. when I was down I would listen to music and it would make me feel better. I also loved sports too. I play Golf, Basketball, Baseball, and track. So those kept me going to. By the end of my freshman year I was getting ready to get confirmed in my faith. questionable at the time wether to get confirmed or not, I prayed to god for guidance and forgiveness... God helped me find a way and Now I am doing better, and I also realized that there are other people in this world that have it worse than I do... Now I am healthy, "Knock on wood" am playing sports and am getting ready to learn to play the guitar... And, whenever I get down I pray to God and listen to some music and I seem to feel better... To those out there who believe, "Never question God or your religion, Instead pray to him for guidance and strength for he will help you find a way." If you would like to talk you can reply or e-mail me... Thanks... "Never give up..."


e-mail: Bflangan@direcway.com


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i><br>Sophie,

I do have CF & diabetes. Some of my symptoms of low sugars were feeling shakey inside, sweaty & disoriented and hard to concentrate on what I was doing.

Symptoms of high blood sugars are feeling worn out & sleepy, having frequent urination, blurred vision (which I rarely have), hungry & just not feeling right.

I hope this helps. There are a lot of pills here in the US for diabetes, as I'm sure there are in Australia too. I take one w/ meals & that seems to work. If that doesn't continue to control my blood sugar levels, then insulin shots will be needed, but for now the pill works.

One other note, when on steroids, I have to adjust my dosage of pills because steroids can make the blood sugar readings high. It would probably be a good idea to at least do a few blood sugar readings just to get an idea how your levels are. Good luck <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> LJ<hr></blockquote>

luv ya babe
i av da same problem