What do ya'll?


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I'm a huge fan of the water, so when I can, I swim. My family is putting in our own pool soon, so I'll be doing that as my main excercise. I also do about 30 mins. on the treadmill when I'm having a good day.


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I use to swim as a kid, and play soccer. Both very good for cartiovascular excercise.

Now, I ride horses (yes that really is a form of excercise). My horse is young, which means she is not bomb proof... I have to be very alert and keep her under control all the time. Also the work that comes along with owning horses and having them on your property is pertty demanding... cleaning the corrals, etc... I've even been told that my legs look more in shape since I bought my horse almost 4 years ago, and I can definitely feel it in my arms at times... the only thing riding doesn't really cover is my mid area... so I think I need to start doing some sit ups. My stomach use to be solid as a rock because of all the coughing I did, but now since I'm post transplant I dont' cough... so my stomach has softened a little <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


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I manly hit the weight room about 6 times a week and from time to time play soccer

25/CF (husband of julie)


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Sometimes it's the simplest things that make the difference:

When I was critically ill for a few years, the simple practice of 30mins walking in the countryside every couple of days kept me going. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


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i plaed soccer when i was younger and now i play hockey every week and i am a lifeguard and i work at least three times a week so i have to swim all the time to stay in shape for my job.


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I work on a farm so it seems like i am always chasin around cows by foot or out walk around lookin for a cow, cuttin and load wood to heat the house and that seems to work for me Dustin 23 CFRD


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Housework......vacuuming, mopping, going up & down the stairs & of course my weigh lifting (laundry). I am very bad about exercising. Although today I will get a work out with shoveling (if I can tolerate it breathing wise) witht the 6-9 inches we are currently getting.


Currently, I try to keep up with my wife when she's going to the train station with me. It's a ten minute walk up hill (yea, both ways--haha) to the station, and she takes the bicycle, so I try to keep pace with it! (It's uphill from the house to the station!)

I have to go 3 flights of stairs at work, they wish people working on the second and third floor to not use the elevators. Stairway to the fourth and fifth floor is optional!

I practice my Iaido, which is a low form of excercise, but it is excercise!

And, other than an occasional shuffling of big boxes, I really don't get much of a work out anymore. sometimes I do when doing serious cleaning at home!

I miss my Aikido days, though! That was some serious workout!


Hello! I am new at these forums, so I am sure I will mess this up somehow! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
I am pretty active...I race offroad motorcycles...I am ranked #3 overall in my state and compete in national competitions all around the country as well. It is a wonderful workout...most races take 4-6 hours with limited breaks. I have some set-backs obviously from CF...lots of cramps due to the amount of salt I sweat out...and wheezing/shortness of breathe, etc. I never use CF as an excuse and most people I compete against don't even know I have it, which is how I prefer it to be.
Cool website, I enjoy hearing about other CF'ers! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


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Hello, i do not have c/f, but my bro 23 year old bro does.... i ride my mountain bike about 5 days a week, i use to do dirt/ road, but when i heard of the mountain lion attack in orange county, california, where that lady got half her faced mauled , and thank goodness for her friend who was literally pulling her away from this ferrocious beast, she lived, but her faced is jacked!!!!!!!!!!!!!! any ways, since then, i have cautiously been out in the mountains i think only two or three times!.... where i live there are a lot of really steep hills, shall i say where the money privaledged people live, so i enjoy riding around up there! <img src="i/expressions/brokenheart.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/beer.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/wine.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


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OMG... is your name lilith... mine is too! that is such an uncommon name WOW!...

HOw is your health reply when u get the chance!



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i work really hard to stay in physical shape.. i run cross country and track... and i dance five times a week I USEd to play basketball but now i just play club in summer cause i had so little time... I chill with my friends and have a good time! o and by the way thats me up there
MY NAME IS LILITH... and i have cystic fibrosis.. but thats not who i am