What do you guys think about this situation?


New member
My CF center is two hours away from home so I decided to see a ENT here in town who is only mildly familiar with CF. He decides I need a sinus surgery so I jump through all the hoops to get it arranged. He decides that the surgery will take place in a outpatient surgery center. I get there pay my co-pay and the nurse is getting ready to start my iv without gloves. I asked her if she had read my paperwork and that I cultured MRSA on May 3rd. She then says that she has to go talk to the head nurse. The head nurse asks me if I was sure that I cultured it in my sputum-which I said yes to. She then told me that it is their policy to not perform procedures on people whom culture it. Whatever it ruined my day because we had taken off work just to have this done.

Anyways I call my CF center and let them know what had happened. The nurse told me that the MRSA that I cultured in my sputum is not communicable.

I was thinking if it is not communicable then why wasn't I allowed to attend the CFF event last weekend and then why when I was in the hospital was I in isolation.

I am positive that I cultured MRSA and not something else. The nurse also said that I did not need antibiotics for it even though I had been given them before even by the doctor in the facility. What do you guys think? Am I making too much of this situation. Honestly I am thinking that I might need a new CF center.


New member
My CF center is two hours away from home so I decided to see a ENT here in town who is only mildly familiar with CF. He decides I need a sinus surgery so I jump through all the hoops to get it arranged. He decides that the surgery will take place in a outpatient surgery center. I get there pay my co-pay and the nurse is getting ready to start my iv without gloves. I asked her if she had read my paperwork and that I cultured MRSA on May 3rd. She then says that she has to go talk to the head nurse. The head nurse asks me if I was sure that I cultured it in my sputum-which I said yes to. She then told me that it is their policy to not perform procedures on people whom culture it. Whatever it ruined my day because we had taken off work just to have this done.

Anyways I call my CF center and let them know what had happened. The nurse told me that the MRSA that I cultured in my sputum is not communicable.

I was thinking if it is not communicable then why wasn't I allowed to attend the CFF event last weekend and then why when I was in the hospital was I in isolation.

I am positive that I cultured MRSA and not something else. The nurse also said that I did not need antibiotics for it even though I had been given them before even by the doctor in the facility. What do you guys think? Am I making too much of this situation. Honestly I am thinking that I might need a new CF center.


New member
My CF center is two hours away from home so I decided to see a ENT here in town who is only mildly familiar with CF. He decides I need a sinus surgery so I jump through all the hoops to get it arranged. He decides that the surgery will take place in a outpatient surgery center. I get there pay my co-pay and the nurse is getting ready to start my iv without gloves. I asked her if she had read my paperwork and that I cultured MRSA on May 3rd. She then says that she has to go talk to the head nurse. The head nurse asks me if I was sure that I cultured it in my sputum-which I said yes to. She then told me that it is their policy to not perform procedures on people whom culture it. Whatever it ruined my day because we had taken off work just to have this done.
<br />
<br />Anyways I call my CF center and let them know what had happened. The nurse told me that the MRSA that I cultured in my sputum is not communicable.
<br />
<br />I was thinking if it is not communicable then why wasn't I allowed to attend the CFF event last weekend and then why when I was in the hospital was I in isolation.
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<br />I am positive that I cultured MRSA and not something else. The nurse also said that I did not need antibiotics for it even though I had been given them before even by the doctor in the facility. What do you guys think? Am I making too much of this situation. Honestly I am thinking that I might need a new CF center.


Active member

I'm 70 yo male with CF and do not have anyhting communicable as well but when I was recently hospitalized I to had restrictions. Everyone who came in wore yellow gowns. They said that it was to prorect me from them



Active member

I'm 70 yo male with CF and do not have anyhting communicable as well but when I was recently hospitalized I to had restrictions. Everyone who came in wore yellow gowns. They said that it was to prorect me from them



Active member
<br />
<br />I'm 70 yo male with CF and do not have anyhting communicable as well but when I was recently hospitalized I to had restrictions. Everyone who came in wore yellow gowns. They said that it was to prorect me from them
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<br />Bill


New member
In our center anytime a CF patient is in the hospital regardless of whether they have or have ever cultured MRSA all the patients are kept on in-room isolation and all doc/nurses/therapists/etc who enter the room gown up and wear gloves as a precaution of spreading anything from one patient to another. Anytime we leave our hospital room to go anywhere in the hospital we have to wear masks and the only place we're allowed to hang out is outside. Just another way they make being in the hospital feel like being in prison.


New member
In our center anytime a CF patient is in the hospital regardless of whether they have or have ever cultured MRSA all the patients are kept on in-room isolation and all doc/nurses/therapists/etc who enter the room gown up and wear gloves as a precaution of spreading anything from one patient to another. Anytime we leave our hospital room to go anywhere in the hospital we have to wear masks and the only place we're allowed to hang out is outside. Just another way they make being in the hospital feel like being in prison.


New member
In our center anytime a CF patient is in the hospital regardless of whether they have or have ever cultured MRSA all the patients are kept on in-room isolation and all doc/nurses/therapists/etc who enter the room gown up and wear gloves as a precaution of spreading anything from one patient to another. Anytime we leave our hospital room to go anywhere in the hospital we have to wear masks and the only place we're allowed to hang out is outside. Just another way they make being in the hospital feel like being in prison.


New member
Alot of people that aren't famliar with CF freak when they hear MRSA b/c they think of the skin infection which is HIGHLY contagious. MRSA in the lungs is really only dangerous to those with immune issues -mainly pulmonary patients. When your doc said non-communicable she meant its not the skin infection and normal people can't get it.

Performing a surgery on a patient with a MRSA skin infection would be dangerous, but not a lung infection. Its def something you should explain to the ENT.


New member
Alot of people that aren't famliar with CF freak when they hear MRSA b/c they think of the skin infection which is HIGHLY contagious. MRSA in the lungs is really only dangerous to those with immune issues -mainly pulmonary patients. When your doc said non-communicable she meant its not the skin infection and normal people can't get it.

Performing a surgery on a patient with a MRSA skin infection would be dangerous, but not a lung infection. Its def something you should explain to the ENT.


New member
Alot of people that aren't famliar with CF freak when they hear MRSA b/c they think of the skin infection which is HIGHLY contagious. MRSA in the lungs is really only dangerous to those with immune issues -mainly pulmonary patients. When your doc said non-communicable she meant its not the skin infection and normal people can't get it.
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<br />Performing a surgery on a patient with a MRSA skin infection would be dangerous, but not a lung infection. Its def something you should explain to the ENT.


New member
Isolation is to protect your immune system from germs that nurses and doctors carry. Doesn't matter if you have Mrsa or not. On the ent suggesting you getting sinus surgery I would suggest you seek further advice from Cf doctors. They specialize in sinus sypmtoms and cd general medicine just see's offer sinuses and says opperaye, there are other ways to help you sinuses then doing that horrible surgery. Believe me it's not worth it.


New member
Isolation is to protect your immune system from germs that nurses and doctors carry. Doesn't matter if you have Mrsa or not. On the ent suggesting you getting sinus surgery I would suggest you seek further advice from Cf doctors. They specialize in sinus sypmtoms and cd general medicine just see's offer sinuses and says opperaye, there are other ways to help you sinuses then doing that horrible surgery. Believe me it's not worth it.


New member
Isolation is to protect your immune system from germs that nurses and doctors carry. Doesn't matter if you have Mrsa or not. On the ent suggesting you getting sinus surgery I would suggest you seek further advice from Cf doctors. They specialize in sinus sypmtoms and cd general medicine just see's offer sinuses and says opperaye, there are other ways to help you sinuses then doing that horrible surgery. Believe me it's not worth it.


My son is 5, has had MRSA for over a year and has had 3 sinus surgeries in that time period. They take precautions in the hospital setting because immuno suppressed people are in danger with MRSA but not healthy people. You need to have your CF center communicate better with ENT. Good luck. Are your sinuses bothering you? My son's are a disaster. 5 surgeries in 4 years...



My son is 5, has had MRSA for over a year and has had 3 sinus surgeries in that time period. They take precautions in the hospital setting because immuno suppressed people are in danger with MRSA but not healthy people. You need to have your CF center communicate better with ENT. Good luck. Are your sinuses bothering you? My son's are a disaster. 5 surgeries in 4 years...



My son is 5, has had MRSA for over a year and has had 3 sinus surgeries in that time period. They take precautions in the hospital setting because immuno suppressed people are in danger with MRSA but not healthy people. You need to have your CF center communicate better with ENT. Good luck. Are your sinuses bothering you? My son's are a disaster. 5 surgeries in 4 years...
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<br />Megan