What do you think? ...for WinAce


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr>But since Moore is doing a special on HMOs next, as I said, I'm willing to deal with the "forces of evil." =) <hr></blockquote>

I should read more carefully <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0">


New member
Hey, the way I look at it, the more publicity the better...even if it is from Fox. Anything that will help Allan is okay in my book. Hugs, Cepaciagal


New member
Michael Moore's goal is to push Michael Moore's ideology. If WinAce can be apart of that, Moore would be happy to use him. But, don't think for a minute that Moore could get anything done anytime soon. Even if he wanted to, that is not how he works, is medium of commentary is film, which takes months/years to communicate his forumlated idea. O'Reilly, is on the front line, such that he could talk about WinAce today on the Factor if he were so inspired. I would solicit both guys if I could, maybe someone could write to Moore? I don't care who helps WinAce, as long as he gets what he needs.


New member
CROSS YOUR FINGERS!!!!! I SENT IT THIS MORNING...modified (thank you Emily!!) and edited a bit more.

The tong of the wise makes knowledge accaptable,
But teh mouth of fools spouts folly.
Teh eyes of the LORD are in every place
Watching the evil and the good.
A soothing tongue is a tree of life ...

Provergs 15: 2-4

Let us hope and pray that this letter serves as a tree of life for WinAce.


New member
<hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i>
Michael Moore's goal is to push Michael Moore's ideology. If WinAce can be apart of that, Moore would be happy to use him. But, don't think for a minute that Moore could get anything done anytime soon. Even if he wanted to, that is not how he works, is medium of commentary is film, which takes months/years to communicate his forumlated idea. O'Reilly, is on the front line, such that he could talk about WinAce today on the Factor if he were so inspired. I would solicit both guys if I could, maybe someone could write to Moore? I don't care who helps WinAce, as long as he gets what he needs.<hr></blockquote>

Ha ha, you've obviously not gotten any of his e-mails. =-) The guy writes them like they're magical candy. i know because a friend of mine is a big fan, so i get them forwarded to me constantly. Like I said before, i'm sure Moore has connections. He doesn't need to make a documentary everytime he wants to be heard.

Just to be clear, I'm not trying to support Moore, or anything. I don't really care about that; just saying he probably has the capacity to help. =-)


I know it is a bit off the point of helping but.... Moore is an idiot in the worst order that will manipulate any situation and/or data to illustrate his point of view. Not to mention I had nightmares after "roger and me" when that woman killed the rabbit!



New member
I have to make a point on the Moore thing too.
Now let's be real here, if a guy that looked like Michael Moore approached you on the street and tried to convince you that what he was backing was right on, how many of you would give him the time of day?
It's only because of his Hollywood connection that people half way take him seriously, in my <b>opinion</b>


New member
I'm glad to hear there's a place where they don't judge you by your looks. Who would have thought it was Hollywood?!


<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i><br>Jacobus,

What specifically is your beef w/ Fox News.....examples please<hr></blockquote>

This is specifically related to Bill O'Reily

<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/bob-cesca/some-monday-night-lying-f_b_7597.html">Bill Making up 'Facts' Once Again</a>


New member
That blog makes a stronger accusation than it can justify, though. Citing a dubious "fact" isn't necessarily lying; sloppy, careless and not what a journalist should be known for, yes, but only intent to deceive would make it a lie. I don't think it made a case that O'Reilly knew, in that particular instance, that his cite was false.

My all-time favorite O'Reilly incident was his apparent <a href="http://mediamatters.org/items/200405020006">invention of the Paris Business Review</a>, according to which (supposedly) the boycott of France which he called for on the air was a resounding success. No one could find such a paper, or anything similarly-named, or anything in a French publication that resembled what he claimed (<a href="http://www.parisbusinessreview.com">this</a> parody site notwithstanding). Not necessarily a lie, either (although I strongly suspect he <i>did</i> make that one up, on the fly, to win an argument.) But <b>funny as hell</b>.


New member
Man, Media Matters sure has it in for O'Reilly--did you see the items in the left column? I'm sure he feels the same about them. I wonder if Media Matters was created just to counter-act his show or if it's been around awhile?


New member
Ha ha! There was another FOX reporter making stuff up a while ago, as well, wasn't there? I forget his name, but I think he was covering the war in Bosnia or something like that. =-) I remember SNL doing a skit on him, where he was talking about heavy gunfire and such, then the camera panned over to him and he was popping bubble wrap for sound effects. =-)