Hi My FEV1 is 50% when I'm well but does drop to 40% or lower when I'm in need of IV's I'am 22 weeks pregnant and so far my FEV1 has stayed at 50%. I wasn't planning pregnancy and only found out after 4months that I was pregnant luckily for me I had no sickness ect. Although now starting to get a little tired I'am still working and managing to have top up IV's and we are both doing well.
Because of all the negative veiws about pregnancy and cf my partner and myself thought it would be safer to adopt, although now this little blessing has been sent I'm enjoying it as much as I can and proving my docs wrong after all every cf paitent is different regarding FEV1'S and sometimes I think doctors get blinded by facts and figures, I'am 31 so I had my age against me too.
Good luck in watever you decide pregnancy may not be easy with cf but even without cf people struggle with having children.
Let me know how you go on.