What does a perintologist do?


New member
I saw a perinatologist instead of my OB, the treatment was mostly the same aside from seeing them more often and if anything was out of the ordinary thye acted more quickly, I also had diagnositc tests for my bloodwork and OGTT earlier.


New member
I saw a perinatologist instead of my OB, the treatment was mostly the same aside from seeing them more often and if anything was out of the ordinary thye acted more quickly, I also had diagnositc tests for my bloodwork and OGTT earlier.


New member
I saw a perinatologist instead of my OB, the treatment was mostly the same aside from seeing them more often and if anything was out of the ordinary thye acted more quickly, I also had diagnositc tests for my bloodwork and OGTT earlier.


New member
I saw a perinatologist instead of my OB, the treatment was mostly the same aside from seeing them more often and if anything was out of the ordinary thye acted more quickly, I also had diagnositc tests for my bloodwork and OGTT earlier.