What is a G-Tube?


New member
I am hearing a lot about it lately..
What is it? Does it hurt when you get it? Do many CFers have them?
Just general questions..


New member
I am hearing a lot about it lately..
What is it? Does it hurt when you get it? Do many CFers have them?
Just general questions..


New member
I am hearing a lot about it lately..
What is it? Does it hurt when you get it? Do many CFers have them?
Just general questions..


New member
I am hearing a lot about it lately..
What is it? Does it hurt when you get it? Do many CFers have them?
Just general questions..


New member
I am hearing a lot about it lately..
<br />What is it? Does it hurt when you get it? Do many CFers have them?
<br />Just general questions..
<br />thanks


Digital opinion leader
It is more becomming common for doctors to suggest g-tubes now because of the correlation between good weight and better lung function. Since it such a struggle for CFers to maintain their weight, getting a g-tube placed is a way to improve caloric intake.

It is surgery, so it can be involved. It takes about an hour. The recovery is about a week. It is more of an inconvenience than anything.

Both my boys have had theirs 4 years. It has helped their overall health tremendously!! I would recommend it.


Digital opinion leader
It is more becomming common for doctors to suggest g-tubes now because of the correlation between good weight and better lung function. Since it such a struggle for CFers to maintain their weight, getting a g-tube placed is a way to improve caloric intake.

It is surgery, so it can be involved. It takes about an hour. The recovery is about a week. It is more of an inconvenience than anything.

Both my boys have had theirs 4 years. It has helped their overall health tremendously!! I would recommend it.


Digital opinion leader
It is more becomming common for doctors to suggest g-tubes now because of the correlation between good weight and better lung function. Since it such a struggle for CFers to maintain their weight, getting a g-tube placed is a way to improve caloric intake.

It is surgery, so it can be involved. It takes about an hour. The recovery is about a week. It is more of an inconvenience than anything.

Both my boys have had theirs 4 years. It has helped their overall health tremendously!! I would recommend it.


Digital opinion leader
It is more becomming common for doctors to suggest g-tubes now because of the correlation between good weight and better lung function. Since it such a struggle for CFers to maintain their weight, getting a g-tube placed is a way to improve caloric intake.

It is surgery, so it can be involved. It takes about an hour. The recovery is about a week. It is more of an inconvenience than anything.

Both my boys have had theirs 4 years. It has helped their overall health tremendously!! I would recommend it.


Digital opinion leader
It is more becomming common for doctors to suggest g-tubes now because of the correlation between good weight and better lung function. Since it such a struggle for CFers to maintain their weight, getting a g-tube placed is a way to improve caloric intake.
<br />
<br />It is surgery, so it can be involved. It takes about an hour. The recovery is about a week. It is more of an inconvenience than anything.
<br />
<br />Both my boys have had theirs 4 years. It has helped their overall health tremendously!! I would recommend it.


New member
g-tubes help out a lot, since madi has had one for about a year and a half, and she has went from 10 to 27 lbs. she looks so much better


New member
g-tubes help out a lot, since madi has had one for about a year and a half, and she has went from 10 to 27 lbs. she looks so much better


New member
g-tubes help out a lot, since madi has had one for about a year and a half, and she has went from 10 to 27 lbs. she looks so much better


New member
g-tubes help out a lot, since madi has had one for about a year and a half, and she has went from 10 to 27 lbs. she looks so much better


New member
g-tubes help out a lot, since madi has had one for about a year and a half, and she has went from 10 to 27 lbs. she looks so much better