I'm surprised that they can use the Acapella at age 2. I assumed the breathing techniques would require an older child. Glad it worked for your child.
When Josh was little and had been hospitalized for a bad bronchial infection, the respiratory therapist used a cup in their hands. It was made from rubber and was light blue. They than taped it to tongue depressors for me to use at home...they said it was better than chest clapping because it was smaller and wouldn't sting as much. <b>Hey that was at least 11 years ago.</b>
When Josh was little and had been hospitalized for a bad bronchial infection, the respiratory therapist used a cup in their hands. It was made from rubber and was light blue. They than taped it to tongue depressors for me to use at home...they said it was better than chest clapping because it was smaller and wouldn't sting as much. <b>Hey that was at least 11 years ago.</b>