So I've had 2 close to death experiences. I don't know how to process all this, the replys from everyone. I had extreme blood loss about a year and a half ago, lung vessal or 2 bursted. I lost consoisness, was numb and tingly, coughing, and lighthead-at least for what I remember. I was napping on my moms couch, when I lived there, because I didnt feel good that morning. All I really remembere is coughing, I didnt seem to realize blood was coming up with each cough. I also remember every once in a while my dog coming to my side and sniffing and licking me. Im pretty sure he sat by me most of the time. My sister was the one to find me after she got off work she came home, I had been alone and doing this for 4-5 hours. I told her immediatly to call 911 because she turned on the light and was like "OH MY GOD, MEGAN there is blood everywhere! What happened? What do I do? I was then drove by ambulence bout 130 miles to a hospital that could handle the situation. I live in a smaller town. I had surgery and came out alrit. Then in October last year I had an inncident where my heart stopped. They took my memory of the whole thing away so I only know what ppoeple have told me and I also sort of remember is like a hazzy dream-like I was looking down at the whole thing. But I screamed for my roomate at about 12 noon and she came in to me crying and telling her to call 911. She called and as she was on the phone w 911 I started to 'seizure' like movements with my arm and stomach and shortly after my eyes rolled back into my head. I had no pulse. Luckily my roomate knew CPR and she saved my life. She preformed CPR untill the paramedics came and continued it and then shocked me back to life. I was flown that time to a near by hospital bout 100 miles away where I staid in ICU for a few days and then got surgery done. Some complications happened during surgery so they stuck me back in ICU. I regained consiousness to them pulling a tube out of my throght and to them telling me what was going on and what had happened. My mother was right next to me when I woke up, otherwise I probably would have freaked out! So we joke, me and my mom, about me having 9 lives like a cat....there has been a few other close calls but nothing like these. But in reality I aint gonna be lucky one time. But my health is medioccur so plans for death haven't exactly been planned out yet. Do I start this? Should I dwell on death when it could be near, with another freak accident? Or should I wait to talk about it and make plans? I was heart broken to read these posts because a few of them sound familiar. It scares the crap out of me! Any thoughts would be greatly apprieciated! Peace and Love-Megan