Okay, you guys all put this stuff into a little more perspective for me... I totally dont understand alot of stuff about CF. My bf was diagnosed at about 3 months. But he doesn't know alot about the disease, I don't think he wanted to know all the technical stuff....So while he's been in for a tune up and I've been scared to death, Ive been researching to calm my fears.. And like I've told him I'll be his little encyclopedia on CF... if he wants to know something I'll figure it out. He was never very talkative about it, and I haven't been able to go to a dr's appointment with him, due to my own schedule. But he is very healthy, they just want to keep him that way... and he needs to be more consitent w doing therapy and eating... So I think I've learned alot this week in the hours I've been scouring this site.