What is the right age to take responsibility?


New member
I've said it before and I will say it again- anonymous posting is one of the main problems on this board.

Renee, you are clearly a strong woman with the best interest of her children at heart. So here's my two cents. I've known how to set up aerosols since I was about 9. Currently, my mom sets up my morning medicine so I can get an extra 10 minutes of sleep <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">. In general, I set up any others throughout the day (though my mom lately has set up my evening ones when I've been swamped with homework. As long as your 10 year old knows she has to thoroughly clean the cups and is conscientious of keeping hers and her sisters separate (to avoid cross contamination to a degree- they ARE sisters), I don't see a problem with her setting them up, as long as she doesn't feel its an unfair obligation (seeing as you said she wanted to try it, I doubt she does). Good luck <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Renee, this is not a battered womens forum. We have all encountered abusive ex husbands, ex boyfriends, and ex lovers at some point of our lives. That is why I have chosen to have children on my own. When my daughter was born, they had told me that she would only live to the age of 35 years. I was devistated. At that moment, I had made the decision to be artificially inseminated with donor sperm. My son was born nine months later and since then, they have been best friends. So you see, biologically, step, or donor relations is irrelevant. The fact that we have given birth, is infact, the reason why we have the ultimate responsibility to ensure the well-being of our children. I have given up alot just to have children, I was well over 30 before I got pregnant the first time.( we have all been dealt bad hands of poker at some point in our lives). Although her brother brings her, her enzymes with snacks( he loves to feel helpful) I never let him do it unsupervised, well, withought him knowing anyway. So you see, your husband is not the father of the year, nor a hero by taking you and your 4 children on. Granted your life seems much better now, but it all boils down to the fact that he is not biologically connected, (wether he is abusive or not). Therefore, the answer to your question is YES!! Kick him out of bed to supervise, vest, TOBI or as simple as a puffer, at 10 year old child, is not even considered old enough to cross the street without an adult, nor is she qualified by law, to babysit. So I ask you, bottom line, is it the "night and shinning armor", or is it the " precious apple of your eye". Good luck choosing. Oh, by the way. You're right, since the day my daughter has been born, I have cried everyday of her life and will continue to do so until they find a cure. Any phychiatrists, phychologists, therapists and/ or counsellors,will never fix or stop the crying, until one or all have found a cure. In closing, I cry for my daughter, you cry cause someone offended and doubted your relationship and loyalty between husband, wife and child. It is hard to be supportive in this situation,when I am the only support for my family, I have chosen this road, yes, however, I resent the lack of compassion with other families who have the support of two parents, and one is just totally not in tuned with "what is in the best interest of the child".


New member
Please stop. You are not helping anyone here or giving any usefull info. People come here for support - not to be attacked or belittled.


New member
"The fact that we have given birth, is infact, the reason why we have the ultimate responsibility to ensure the well-being of our children."

I would just like to make a random point... giving birth is a very cool thing most women can do, but it is not the only thing that gives responsibility to ensuring the safety of children. I can't carry my own kids, and regardless of that fact, whether I surrogate or adopt, I will always ensure the safety of my children. That's all.


New member
Does someone moniter these boards, because although I am usually all for free speech...I think this anonymous needs to be kicked off or have her posts deleated because its gone too far. To anonymous...you GAVE your advice...she HEARD what you have to say..ENOUGH...we ALL get the idea!!! My gosh what are you trying to prove???? Well thats my advice...enough said!