What is up guys and gals!


New member
Hey everyone!

I'm 19/m from New Philadelphia, Ohio. I was diagnosed with CF at six weeks. I have led a normal nad healthy life. I had once intestinal blockage at age 5, one minor psuedomona infection my sophomore year in high school, and I just got my sinuses drained last week for the first time.

Like I said, I have led a very normal life. I swim competitively at Denison Univ, and am a national qualifer. I'm a chemistry major and a biology/psych minor. I hope to work with pediatric pulmonary medicine.

I am basically on here looking for friends around my age to talk to on aim or email. I get lonely sometimes and just want to talk about my "life." So, if anyone is interested, get at me. My aim is ress1679 and my email is ryan_ress@hotmail.com.

Thanks guys,


New member
yo im a 22/m with CF and they found out i had it at age 5. I've only had 1 infection and I am rarly hospitalized. if you wanna talk m here

AIM: hauck75


New member
<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">Hi my name is Vanessa i am 19 and i have CF ive had it since i was born. I was also hoping to make friends my age with CF ! i would love to chat with you sometime if you dont mind ? My Email is Vargus738@sbcglobal.net . I hope to hear from you soon! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> Take care!!! -Vanessa-


New member
wow you guys......<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> i would lovve to be friends with any of you..i dont have c/f though.....but my boyfriend has crhons..crappy i cant spell


New member
Hello guys,
My name is Jess and i am 16 years old. I was diagnosed with CF at 24 hrs old due to a stomach blockage. I would love to talk to others with Cf- there are some things you just cant talk to 'normal' people about. It would be great to hear from people so if anyone ever wants to chat to me my e-mail address is prettypleasewithwhippedcreamandacherryontop@hotmail.com


New member
Sup guys.

I'm an 18 male, almost 19.
Stuck in *insert bad words here* New Jersey

Had CF my whole life. Get hospitalized atleast once a year, along with sinus sergury that I seem to get almost once every year. I have a G-Tube, and they keep trying to give me a portacaf. (like I'd let em. One tubes enough! >_<)
I just recently started coughing up blood, which weirded the crap outta me.... Never exactly an....expected... thing...

I've only met one other person with CF before, so talking to some of you guys should be pretty interesting.

AIM: Cloud5527

Messages are always welcome... I'm almsot always around. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">


New member
Hey y'all!! 14/f with CF from NC. I was diagnosed with CF since I was born. I think it would be cool to talk to other people that has Cf from other places!! Hope to hear from you soon!!!





New member
Hey whatsup..I live in Canton, Ohio (not too far from you)...if you ever want to talk my AIM name is: iluvsnackpaks and my email is gstvixen@yahoo.com hit me up sometime!