What is your copay on TOBI?


New member
Gees, $200 to $400-500 a month.... You guys should really look into applying for some TOBI assistance or something. If you ever run out I'd be happy to overnight something to you guys!!! ever looked into a mail order pharmacy where you get 3 (sometimes more) months supply? also, learn the tricks about asking the doctor write for about 15-20 more than you need, stock them up.


New member
Gees, $200 to $400-500 a month.... You guys should really look into applying for some TOBI assistance or something. If you ever run out I'd be happy to overnight something to you guys!!! ever looked into a mail order pharmacy where you get 3 (sometimes more) months supply? also, learn the tricks about asking the doctor write for about 15-20 more than you need, stock them up.


New member
Our copay is 25% of the total cost for drugs. If you have Medicare part B, they will cover 80% of Tobi and Pulmozyme.


New member
Our copay is 25% of the total cost for drugs. If you have Medicare part B, they will cover 80% of Tobi and Pulmozyme.


New member
My TObi copay is $25.00 for one months supply. Not bad at all... I have other meds that are $50.00 copays.. My average three month supply of meds between all the medicines I take is $ 380.00, sometimes less, sometimes more...and of course this doesn't include any HOME IVS



New member
My TObi copay is $25.00 for one months supply. Not bad at all... I have other meds that are $50.00 copays.. My average three month supply of meds between all the medicines I take is $ 380.00, sometimes less, sometimes more...and of course this doesn't include any HOME IVS



New member
Our co-pay for Tobi is $30.00, Kaits other meds are $15.00 each. If she is on IV antibiotics at home they are covered 100%

Kaitsmom<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
Our co-pay for Tobi is $30.00, Kaits other meds are $15.00 each. If she is on IV antibiotics at home they are covered 100%

Kaitsmom<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
I am lucky - if I order through mail order (which I do), I can get 3 months worth (two courses) for 20 bucks. They also call me and remind me to refill whenever the computer says its time to order... the computer also doesn't count right, so I'm able to maintain a nice cushion "just in case"


New member
I am lucky - if I order through mail order (which I do), I can get 3 months worth (two courses) for 20 bucks. They also call me and remind me to refill whenever the computer says its time to order... the computer also doesn't count right, so I'm able to maintain a nice cushion "just in case"