for twelve years, I went everywhere by bicylcle, train or foot, but just last June, bought my first new car!!
It's a domesic car, and it's got a 1.3 litre engine (about the size of a motorcycle engine!!) It's a Suzuki Swift, and in Japan, it's a domestic car!!! I wanted a Mazda, but they cost a little more for what I wanted, and the RX-8 is on my Christmas list (maybe in the far future!!)
I actually thought of starting a spool like this, but, like before, I find if I just hold out a little, someone will think of it!! My Suzuki is a Right Hand Steering, with a Manual 5 speed! (I have to shift with the left, and hold the steering wheel, and my coffee with the right!!)
I'll take some of you daring people for a joy ride in Nara Prefecture, where the only thing between the road and the edge of a cliff is a 90 degree drop!! The roads can get so narrow, it's scarrry!