What medications are you taking?


New member
Lil strawberry
i always thought you were a guy!! And I can't believe rider that you're 11!! I thought you were like 20 something!!


New member
Ok lol, I knew strawberry was a girl! I mean she has a bf. Of course its entirely ( is that a word?) possible that you were a guy with a bf but I knew your name was Brandi. Now of course thats the name of an alcoholic beverage so that is no indication of what sex you are!!!!! Ah no Im only messsing, I knew you were a girl lol and gol! <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
Haha, Strawberry, a large group of people on here apparantely thought I was a boy named Colin for my first few months on here. For the record, I'm a girl named Coll, short for Colleen


New member
Why don't you post in faq. A few weeks ago my login credentials were invalid. I think it might have been a mistake. i got them back pretty pronto.
i think he got banned...i dont see anymore "ILoveJesus" crap nomore...sorry to say...i have a hard time beliveing in him...nothing against the little tyke but i mean...he can belive whatever his little heart wants to...


Hello i know that alot of you are glad that you do not have to read rideronthewhitehorse's post anymore but you see, I am a Christian as well and I do not like to hear negatives about Christianity and The Lord either. That is also showing respect to others, just because he has not posted anything doesn't mean that there aren't other christians that read these post as well, actually some are probably afraid!!!

kaitsmom<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
Strawbery, i thought you liked and were a fan of Rider?<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0">


New member
Personally, I think it's horrible that he was banned. I didn't see anything offensive about his posts AND contrary to what some people say (ok, EMILY65ROSES for one), he posted a LOT of messages that were JUST about CF and not in the least about his religion (this post being a prime example). FOr those of you that requested that he be banned, I hope you're proud of yourselves for alienating an 11 year old. You were the adults and as such, should have been able to ignore any of his posts about his faith that you found offensive. Instead, you acted like children and requested that he be banned - alienating a CHILD! To the administrator, SHAME ON YOU for giving into this censorship!!! I personally find it offensive hearing about unmarried couples having sex in the hospital BUT I REALIZE that it is YOUR RIGHT to discuss those things on this forum so I don't report your posts to the moderator. Instead, I just ignore/avoid them. It would be nice if we could all extend the same courtesy to each other.


New member
And, to rideronthewhitehorse - continue your witnessing. Your'e doing a great job for an 11 year old. It would be wonderful if we (myself included) could be as brave as you.