I have .. 22? yeah, 22 nebs. 14 pari LC cups and 8 sidestreams. So I clean them once a week all together so I have cups every night for when I get home from work. I'm terrible about boiling. I -try- to do it once a month. I don't have tobi right now (*knock of wood for an hour*) so the stickiness isn't an issue that keeps me boiling. I have HS and pulmozyme; I was told the pulmo couldn't go in the LC cups, so I have the sidestreams. Honestly, I think that theres always going to be someone who says something is bad one way, but in the grand scheme of things, if your treatment is effective, working, etc, I don't see a reason to change the routine because it "might" be better or one doctor said it was "bad" to mix meds in cups. Dunno. But I keep 'em separate. And I only use them once and then they get cleaned before next use.