If you think there's an actual reason to get him tested, see someone else. Especially if their main reason for not testing is "no family history." A lot of doctors use that as reason not to test, and it's ridiculous. MANY MANY MANY of us are first in our families. I'm the first and only in my family and my mom was one of 6 (5 of which had 2-4 kids), so there are a lot of us. Trust your intuition. Hope you're wrong, but still today a lot of CFers aren't diagnosed until later in life, and that creates more problems. The sooner you find it, the better, because you can start treatment to prevent damage right now.
Oh! Just make sure if you get the child tested, to do it at a CF center. Other places, no matter how smart, don't know how to test and/or read the results correctly. This part is vrey important, anyone here will tell you so. So if you're going to bother to have the child tested, take the extra step to do it at a CF center.
<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.cff.org/chapters_and_care_centers/">http://www.cff.org/chapters_and_care_centers/</a>