What to ask for on the 504 plan? - Daughter Pancreatic Sufficient


New member
Hi everyone.

I was wondering what has been included on others' 504 plans regarding respiratory issues. I don't want to overwhelm the school, but obviously want to have the necessary items on there. What has been deemed "reasonable" according to your experiences?

Thanks so much


New member
I asked to be informed if there is any illness going around and to put my dd as far as possible from a very sick kid in the class. Also in terms of hygiene, i supplied hand sanitizer. They are quite strict with hand washing anyway, so this was easy. Also i informed them that she is not to come near any still water so that they could adjust the outings. The principal made a short speech (without pointing my dd explicitly) the first day of class to explain to parents that there is a kid with health problems in their class, so that if they could keep their sick kids at home (not sure of the sucess rate of that was, people who did not have a nanny still put their sick kids at school).


In addition to the hand sanitizer/health issue I asked for the following: An extra snack in the afternoon with no restrictions based on the school "healthy snack" plan, water or gatorade at her desk at all times, her own supplies (1st grade does shared supplies -- ICK), to be informed if a new child with CF enters the school and since there is a set of twins with CF in my daughters grade we put a plan to give each of the girls their "own" stalls in the girls room so the Cf kids will make sure to use different stalls, to have tardiness and attendance concerns not count against her if they are CF related (treatments run long, on IVs, etc), to have homebound instruction started if she is hospitalized or goes on IVs until she is well enough to go to school, and we included information about emergency plans surrounding my daughters g-tube. My daughter is pancreatic sufficient as well so we did not add anything about enzymes.


New member
In addition to the above, depending on your climate/humidity, air conditioning. The tempature and humidity in the schools can far exceed the outside temps. DS' first elementary school principal suggested it, and now 3 schools later, district is still accommodating. If the classroom is not covered by central air (our schools have a lot of "build on" segments), window units are installed in the classrooms that are not covered by central air. The only room that doesn't have AC is the gym.


My daughter is 504'd. Also during exacerbations, permission to use the elevator, an extra set of books to keep at home so they are always available if she is absent, home schooling for classes she may miss. ( My daughter went to school at 11am when she had her PICC line, mornings were difficult for her, terrible GI problems), so after school she would go to the town Library where she would meet her home school teacher, provided and paid for by her public school, and the classes that she missed in the am were taught to her one to one. Hope this helps.