what to do with old vest...



I was just wondering what i should do with my old vest when i get my new one? IT still works just fine but is about 7 or 8 years old.... for me the machinge is just to bulky for me... my hubby is in the military so we move around alot and when i go back home i can never take it with me cuz it costs way to much to take with! so that is why I am getting a new one! So if anyone has any ideas what i could do with my old vest please let me know!!! thanx!
Cariann 21 w/cf cfrd mrsa


New member
There are a ton of people overseas that don't have access to the Vest because of socialized medicine and would love to have one. I bet they would pay shipping!!!!


Ebay!! ............. Ebay!! .............. Ebay!!

As Amy said, many parts of the world don't have access to the Vest.. like us in Australia. I've only ever seen one Vest advertised for auction on Ebay but it was a paediatric sized one, so no good for me...... I'm tiny but not that tiny!


New member
Maybe someone from here wants it (maybe post in the families section too). At least, they should be willing to pay for the shipping (it won't be cheap but it's better than nothing). Make sure you get your new vest in your home first though. If that doesn't work, I agree with ebay.

So does this mean the doc and tricare said yes??? If so-good <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
when i got my new vest, the company took back my old vest. gave me trade in credit value. kinda like a car I guess. and they put it towards the total of the new purchase, then what was left is what my insurance company had to pay. I believe they clean and redistribute the old vest to people who cannot afford one or dont have insurance, but I'm not sure.

But if they dont take it back, I think E-Bay is a good idea.


New member
I know when I looked into getting a vest, I was told by the company that they buy back older vests and refurbish them. So instead of paying $12,000 American, they sell them at $9,000 I believe. Still too expensive for me to order one though.


New member
Hi Liz...
Why don't you email me and we can have a chat about fundraising for the vest. I'm doing very well with it - I should have the funds in a week or so!!!! I'll do whatever I can to help you!


New member
Thanks Jennie. I still have your original email with the letter and article. I've been meaning to get back in touch with you, but have been in hospital these past couple of weeks. I'll be in touch again hopefully within the next couple of days.


New member
Yes...glad to see you feeling better. You look awsome in your picture by the way!
When you're ready just send me an email. My last fundraising function will be this Sat, June 3....should have all the $$ by the end of the night! Can't wait...I'm SO excited!


New member
Liz and Cariann, I may be butting my head in here (actually, I am sure I am) but if you are in need Liz and Cariann has an extra vest (I'm pretty sure tricare won't be taking it back because she got it on a different insurance, before HIPPA went into affect and from a different company... but who knows until the new vest arrives to their house) why not chat it out???

Good luck to both of you,


New member
I just recieved a new vest and the representative/respiratory therapist told me that you never really own the vest, it is a lease/loan type deal and the company takes it back when you get a new one or if you pass away. I would check with with the company before trying to sell it.


alright that sounds good! so when i get the ok, and its in my house i will be pm (ing) you liz!!! i just dont want to get rid of it until i have the new one in my house!!! alright ttyl...
Cariann 21/ wcf cfrd mrsa


New member

that's true of Hill-rom now, not sure of the other companies. But those who got their vest before HIPPA went into effect and were with a different ins. company then than they are now, kind of luck out with having to return the vest. Espeically since in Cariann's case, she has her old vest through a different company.

It's good to mention thoug...


New member
I live in Canada and am trying to sell a brand new 2006 Hill Rom vest under full warrenty. If you know anyone who is interetsted please contact me at debralamers@hotmail.com Thanks