What to expect - first time in...


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Hi - My 7 year old son is going into the hospital for the first time since diagnosis 5 1/2 years ago. It is for a bronchoscopy and a PICC line. They said they will insert the picc while he is under anesthesia for the bronch. I know how to eplain all of that to him. I am just wondering what to expect with the IV antibiotics and the PICC line after wards. They say he will probably be in for 4 days to get levels; I assume they mean from the antibiotics. I remember when he was little and had IV antibiotics it burned him when they ran. We had a lot of trouble with his IVs at the time because he was so small and really sick. They tried a PICC line and couldn't get one in. He kept blowing the ivs lines. He is pretty big now - 91lbs and 4ft 6 in. and he feels fine so hopefully that will help. Should we expect him to be uncomfortable when the meds run? How long do they normally run and how often? Any other side effects? How often do they need to check blood levels and do they do that through the PICC or does he have to be stuck? What is is like when you are in the hospital? Do you bring your vest? How soon after the IV meds, do they do a PFT to see if it made any difference? sorry - I have a ton of questions. Thanks.


New member
You are right, they are referring to antibiotics when they say levels. Antibiotics can be toxic when a person is given too large a dose, worthless and even harmful if given too little. With a PICC, for me at least, antibiotics do not burn, because the PICC is long and a tube, it almost sheathes the vein it is in. I dont imagine they will have any trouble putting a PICC in, I got one at 8 years old. I also have awful veins. There shouldnt be discomfort when the meds run, there should basically be no feelings (sometimes if the med is not given enough time to warm to room temperature, there can be a chilly sensation). PICC lines cant blow like IVs can, but meds should be run at a reasonable rate through PICCs too. If Jason feels anything funny while infusing, either through a PICC or especially through an IV line, he should know to speak up. I have never had any problems with PICCs though *knock wood*. Meds usually run 3-4 times a day, for 30 minutes to 1 hour per med, per dose. The only side effects I have had, are side effects from the meds themselves- diarrhea, rash, nausea, stuff like that. For me, they check blood levels once a week. It can be done through the PICC, but that opens the line to a small risk of infection, so if he can tolerate blood draws (they can always use EMLA to numb) and they get blood easily from him, you MAY want to avoid using the PICC (Im not going to lie, in reality I prefer using the PICC for bloods). The hospital can be boring, but Child Life is great for having things to do, and I bring tons of stuff from home. Most hospitals have physical therapists who can do manual PT on you, some have Vests to lend you over your stay, some ask you to bring your Vest. Youll need to check with a doc for that. I do PFTs weekly while in the hospital.


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Personally I like when they put the medicine in when it is cold because for a couple of days after you get the PICC line in it can be a little tender so when they put it in cold it kind of numbs it and makes it fill a little better. Another thing that I have found helps if it does get tender, is a heating pad. I don't know why but it helps. I have had a couple (little) bad experinces with the PICC line but nothing compared to the problems I had with the IV's. I love the PICC lines. As far as the levels for me I was on two diffrent medications so one day they drew the peck and then the trough on one medication then the next day they did the same but for the other medication. None of the medications burned for me when they went in but I would get a wonderful sensation (I don't now really how to describe it but its like you can get that little bit of air you've been trying to get for a while. Its probley all in my head but I like it and I always feel better the first day I'm in the hospital.) For me the meds usually lasted about an hour. One medication was every four hours and one every five. When I get hospitalized it is usually for 2 weeks and they do PFT's after 3 days then a week, then before they let you out, and at least for me they make me return in a month to make sure they didn't go back down. I stayed at Primay Childrens Hospital and they were the best hospital ever they had so any activities for you to do. I was never board. Now that I am an adult it is a diffrent story. There is nothing for you to do but they wont let you just sit there.
Shavonica 19/f w/CF


New member
Kait is 8 years old and has had 3 PICC in her life and we have never had any trouble with them, The last time was just a few months ago and Kait did tell me that she could feel the meds going in and believe me she tells me and watches to make sure that i am not pushing them to fast, we have always pushed the meds through over 3-5 minutes (each one ) we do them every 6 hours and the TOBI we have always done every 12 hours, I can tell you that I hope that you are feeling better because it is sometimes tiring between meds and vest treatments and you will need your rest because i know as a mother how mentally strained it can be because of worry and really not being able to rest. They have always taken Kaits level (tobi level) by a finger prick and have never taken it through her PICC, which i would recommend the finger or even blood through a vein. Kait likes the finger prick better!!!! Well i will keep you and your son in my thoughts and prayers.

Kaitsmom<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
I've never had a picc personally but my brother has several times. He's had a few different antibiotics and he said that the iv tobi made him feel hot but none of the others did. If the meds are cold when they are run you can put a heat pack over the arm where the line is to warm it as it goes in. My bro's picc nurse said cold is not good for them because it restricts the vein and actually makes it more uncomfortable, but heat will expand the vein to give the line more room.

Good luck.