What to expect for early stages of pregnancy


New member
Hi All

I am new to this site. My name is Elaine, I am an Irish lady living with my husband in France. We are going to do IVF soon. I work part-time and I will be working 4 weeks straight not long after we have finished IVF. If the round of IVF is successful I would be a month gone or 5 weeks. My question is for you guys who have had babies, when you were 1 or 2 months pregnant how did you feel?? Strange question I know bit I think if we are successful and I am in the early stages of pregnancy and am working 4 weeks straight i'm a little newvous of the unknown, not knowing how i'll feel.

A friend who doesn't have CF said she had no symptoms in her early stages! I wonder is it the same for anyone with cF who has had a baby? I know no one knows how they will be but would like to hear how you felt in the early stages of pregnancy very early on.

thanks a mil.


New member
I'm one of those weird people who can feel things that most people can't. Almost every month (when I'm not pregnant, of course) I can tell which ovary I'm ovulating from. As a result, I think I could feel the embryo implant. It felt like ovary pain, which is kind of sharp, but this was in the middle of my abdomen, which is where your uterus is. I took a pregnancy test a little under two weeks later and it was positive. I felt pretty normal for the first month and a half of the pregnancy. I was a little bit more tired, but nothing too crazy. I starting getting morning sickness a little after a month and a half. Mine wasn't too bad, just nausea but no puking. I also was really tired. I'm 16 weeks now, which is about 3 1/2 months. My nausea is gone and I am much more energetic, but that could be partly due to the fact that it's spring.

I have CF, but I am mostly asymptomatic at this point in my life due to the mutations I have. It would be interesting to hear from someone who has different mutations on how they handled pregnancy.


I'm currently 15 weeks pregnant and had pretty much the same 'symptoms' as AmalynRose. Nausea kicked in around the 6 week mark. I tended to feel the worst starting in late afternoon and until I went to bed. That made supper time quite difficult but I kept up my calorie intake up with Boost or Ensure meal replacement shakes. The exhaustion was the worst for me. I found it really frustrating and hard to deal with. Literally could not get out of bed or off the couch most days. It was so awful. But things started to get better around the 12-13 week mark. More energy and less nausea. There are still bad days but mostly good now. I also had horrible mood swings. Like PMS on steroids! But everyone was quite understanding and those are better now too.

For me personally, the exhaustion was too much for me to keep working so I went off on short term disability (my work has a great plan where you still get full pay). I just couldn't get through the day without a million naps and I always felt half out of it and scatter-brained! Everyone is different though. You never know what's going to happen until you experience it.

Best of luck!


New member
Thanks guys for the responses. I am also mostly asymptomatic due to the mutations I have. I am very nervous about it all lol.. but fingers crossed it all goes well. I was delighted to hear your experiences. I think thoughts of the unknown can be quite scary! I work part-time now and we live in a warm climate 2 things that have been great for me :O) Even though no one knows how you will be health wise during a pregnancy it is comforting to hear from others with CF who are currently or who have had children. Good luck to you all. keep us posted.


New member
I don't have CF but I have been through a lot of pregnancies. I always joked that I didn't need a blood test because I have my sofa! I struggled with exhaustion and didn't have too many issues with nausea. Never threw up.

It is hard work making a human being, but certainly worth it!

Good luck!


New member
Hi All

I hope this finds you all well. So we are now finished our second round of IVF. It's our first full attempt as during round 1 we only got as far as hormone injections for 2 weeks then it was cancelled!!

So on Monday just past, I had my egg pick up. They got 8 follicles. Yesterday we had our embryo transfer. I had 3 good embryos and 1 potentially good one that may improve! I had one embryo transfer so now it's just a waiting game.

I am currently working 1 day a week which is good as I can rest loads. From the 8th July I will be working 9-5 for 4 weeks. After all your responses I am feeling ok about that and not as worried as I was. I was worried i'd be feeling unable for full time work for the month after the IVF and if I was pregnant. For now we have 2 weeks to wait for the blood test and then if it is positive I will be about one month or 5 weeks once my work comes around.

Thank you all for your repsonses. It really helped me feel more positive for the work ahead! I think the not knowing is a very hard thing!! lol...