What were your Xrays like


New member
So for those of you who have been transplanted and those who are waiting to be transplanted what are your x-rays like before transplant? Did you have dead tissue in your lungs? Are there huge cysts? Is the scarring really severe? Or did they mostly go by PFT's and quality of life? Thanks for the imput.


New member
So for those of you who have been transplanted and those who are waiting to be transplanted what are your x-rays like before transplant? Did you have dead tissue in your lungs? Are there huge cysts? Is the scarring really severe? Or did they mostly go by PFT's and quality of life? Thanks for the imput.


New member
So for those of you who have been transplanted and those who are waiting to be transplanted what are your x-rays like before transplant? Did you have dead tissue in your lungs? Are there huge cysts? Is the scarring really severe? Or did they mostly go by PFT's and quality of life? Thanks for the imput.


New member
So for those of you who have been transplanted and those who are waiting to be transplanted what are your x-rays like before transplant? Did you have dead tissue in your lungs? Are there huge cysts? Is the scarring really severe? Or did they mostly go by PFT's and quality of life? Thanks for the imput.


New member
So for those of you who have been transplanted and those who are waiting to be transplanted what are your x-rays like before transplant? Did you have dead tissue in your lungs? Are there huge cysts? Is the scarring really severe? Or did they mostly go by PFT's and quality of life? Thanks for the imput.


New member
I don't have to explain it...I can show you. Just visit this link....

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://s284.photobucket.com/albums/ll37/Pattiricia0603/Chest%20x-rays/">http://s284.photobucket.com/al...ia0603/Chest%20x-rays/</a>


New member
I don't have to explain it...I can show you. Just visit this link....

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://s284.photobucket.com/albums/ll37/Pattiricia0603/Chest%20x-rays/">http://s284.photobucket.com/al...ia0603/Chest%20x-rays/</a>


New member
I don't have to explain it...I can show you. Just visit this link....

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://s284.photobucket.com/albums/ll37/Pattiricia0603/Chest%20x-rays/">http://s284.photobucket.com/al...ia0603/Chest%20x-rays/</a>


New member
I don't have to explain it...I can show you. Just visit this link....

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://s284.photobucket.com/albums/ll37/Pattiricia0603/Chest%20x-rays/">http://s284.photobucket.com/al...ia0603/Chest%20x-rays/</a>


New member
I don't have to explain it...I can show you. Just visit this link....
<br />
<br />
<br /><a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://s284.photobucket.com/albums/ll37/Pattiricia0603/Chest%20x-rays/">http://s284.photobucket.com/al...ia0603/Chest%20x-rays/</a>


New member
Well, I am being listed and I can tell you that my doctors tell me my lungs look like Swiss Cheese. Transplant isn't based just on one thing, it's based on many things.


New member
Well, I am being listed and I can tell you that my doctors tell me my lungs look like Swiss Cheese. Transplant isn't based just on one thing, it's based on many things.


New member
Well, I am being listed and I can tell you that my doctors tell me my lungs look like Swiss Cheese. Transplant isn't based just on one thing, it's based on many things.


New member
Well, I am being listed and I can tell you that my doctors tell me my lungs look like Swiss Cheese. Transplant isn't based just on one thing, it's based on many things.


New member
Well, I am being listed and I can tell you that my doctors tell me my lungs look like Swiss Cheese. Transplant isn't based just on one thing, it's based on many things.


New member
I would describe my lungs as looking like a spiderweb. I never really understood what was so bad about my xrays until I saw my first post transplant xray.

I had a lot of white scar tissue around the center of my chest and it fanned out and looked ery web like to me. There were also small circular areas that were scarred areas and cysts.

My new lungs when I look at xrays of them they are beautiful and kind of a clearish gray color. You can tell something is there but there is no "spiderweb" of scar tisse.

One thing that I do notice when I look at my xrays now is that I can see little white lines randomly around the center of my chest - I asked my doc about them at one point and he said it was the staples that were put in my chest to stop bleeding in areas and such. I think it is pretty neat to see the staples personally but I may just be weird.



New member
I would describe my lungs as looking like a spiderweb. I never really understood what was so bad about my xrays until I saw my first post transplant xray.

I had a lot of white scar tissue around the center of my chest and it fanned out and looked ery web like to me. There were also small circular areas that were scarred areas and cysts.

My new lungs when I look at xrays of them they are beautiful and kind of a clearish gray color. You can tell something is there but there is no "spiderweb" of scar tisse.

One thing that I do notice when I look at my xrays now is that I can see little white lines randomly around the center of my chest - I asked my doc about them at one point and he said it was the staples that were put in my chest to stop bleeding in areas and such. I think it is pretty neat to see the staples personally but I may just be weird.



New member
I would describe my lungs as looking like a spiderweb. I never really understood what was so bad about my xrays until I saw my first post transplant xray.

I had a lot of white scar tissue around the center of my chest and it fanned out and looked ery web like to me. There were also small circular areas that were scarred areas and cysts.

My new lungs when I look at xrays of them they are beautiful and kind of a clearish gray color. You can tell something is there but there is no "spiderweb" of scar tisse.

One thing that I do notice when I look at my xrays now is that I can see little white lines randomly around the center of my chest - I asked my doc about them at one point and he said it was the staples that were put in my chest to stop bleeding in areas and such. I think it is pretty neat to see the staples personally but I may just be weird.



New member
I would describe my lungs as looking like a spiderweb. I never really understood what was so bad about my xrays until I saw my first post transplant xray.

I had a lot of white scar tissue around the center of my chest and it fanned out and looked ery web like to me. There were also small circular areas that were scarred areas and cysts.

My new lungs when I look at xrays of them they are beautiful and kind of a clearish gray color. You can tell something is there but there is no "spiderweb" of scar tisse.

One thing that I do notice when I look at my xrays now is that I can see little white lines randomly around the center of my chest - I asked my doc about them at one point and he said it was the staples that were put in my chest to stop bleeding in areas and such. I think it is pretty neat to see the staples personally but I may just be weird.



New member
I would describe my lungs as looking like a spiderweb. I never really understood what was so bad about my xrays until I saw my first post transplant xray.
<br />
<br />I had a lot of white scar tissue around the center of my chest and it fanned out and looked ery web like to me. There were also small circular areas that were scarred areas and cysts.
<br />
<br />My new lungs when I look at xrays of them they are beautiful and kind of a clearish gray color. You can tell something is there but there is no "spiderweb" of scar tisse.
<br />
<br />One thing that I do notice when I look at my xrays now is that I can see little white lines randomly around the center of my chest - I asked my doc about them at one point and he said it was the staples that were put in my chest to stop bleeding in areas and such. I think it is pretty neat to see the staples personally but I may just be weird.
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<br />Lindsey