<b>Hello Everyone,<br>
I wondering what kind of health issues are there for all of us who
are heterozygous for Delta F-508 and a mutation of that gene
that creates CF?<br>
I was recently diagnosed and sInce my combination is so rare, Delta
F-508 and P-140S, I'm wondering what I should expect. I did find
this article and it does shed some light.
Also, How do I find out what class my genes rank?
<b>thelizardqueen</b> was kind enough to share the rankings:<br>
Genes are divided into Class categories 1-5. 1 being most severe, 5
being less severe when it comes to digestive problems. Here is a
Class 1 mutations - Defective protein production with premature
termination of CFTR production. Class 1 mutations produce few or no
functioning CFTR chloride channels.<br>
Class 2 mutations - Defective trafficking of CFTR so that it does
not reach the apical surface membrane where it is intended to
Class 3 mutations - Defective regulation of CFTR even though it is
able to reach the apical cell surface.<br>
Class 4 mutations - CFTR reaches the apical surface but conduction
through the channel is defective.<br>
Class 5 mutations - Associated with reduced synthesis of functional
<b>Randford,</b> 43/male/CF<br>
I wondering what kind of health issues are there for all of us who
are heterozygous for Delta F-508 and a mutation of that gene
that creates CF?<br>
I was recently diagnosed and sInce my combination is so rare, Delta
F-508 and P-140S, I'm wondering what I should expect. I did find
this article and it does shed some light.
Also, How do I find out what class my genes rank?
<b>thelizardqueen</b> was kind enough to share the rankings:<br>
Genes are divided into Class categories 1-5. 1 being most severe, 5
being less severe when it comes to digestive problems. Here is a
Class 1 mutations - Defective protein production with premature
termination of CFTR production. Class 1 mutations produce few or no
functioning CFTR chloride channels.<br>
Class 2 mutations - Defective trafficking of CFTR so that it does
not reach the apical surface membrane where it is intended to
Class 3 mutations - Defective regulation of CFTR even though it is
able to reach the apical cell surface.<br>
Class 4 mutations - CFTR reaches the apical surface but conduction
through the channel is defective.<br>
Class 5 mutations - Associated with reduced synthesis of functional
<b>Randford,</b> 43/male/CF<br>