My parenting style would not change. I treat my son the same way his siblings are treated. I had the benefit of having a friend with severe diabetes,she lost her sight and kidneys to it and died at 35. She taught me the need to treat him the same as the other kids as far as discipline went because he needed to learn acceptable behavior just as much as the others did.
I would have more time to give to the other kids though if I didn't have to do treatments and IV's and insulin shots for him and so forth.
I would probably still worry about his future as I do with all of my kids just because I want the very best for each of my kids and I know that none of them came with any guarantees for how long I will have with them. I learned early on in life just how precious life is because of my father being a preacher and doing funerals for babies that died from sids, teens who died in care accidents, and so on.
I also learned that "normal" is very different for each family so what we have is "normal" for us and if it wasn't CF it could be something else, something worse.
I have always tried to thinkg about the fact that the life expectancy is getting longer every year and I would not be helping my child any if I didn't teach him the same things I teach my other kids. I always thought about my parenting from the prespective of "what if they cure CF tomorrow will I regret not setting the boundaries and rules?" Our rules apply to everyone equally and disease is not an exception to the rules.
I would have more time to give to the other kids though if I didn't have to do treatments and IV's and insulin shots for him and so forth.
I would probably still worry about his future as I do with all of my kids just because I want the very best for each of my kids and I know that none of them came with any guarantees for how long I will have with them. I learned early on in life just how precious life is because of my father being a preacher and doing funerals for babies that died from sids, teens who died in care accidents, and so on.
I also learned that "normal" is very different for each family so what we have is "normal" for us and if it wasn't CF it could be something else, something worse.
I have always tried to thinkg about the fact that the life expectancy is getting longer every year and I would not be helping my child any if I didn't teach him the same things I teach my other kids. I always thought about my parenting from the prespective of "what if they cure CF tomorrow will I regret not setting the boundaries and rules?" Our rules apply to everyone equally and disease is not an exception to the rules.