Andrew has always been treated with prednisone. As with any allergy, the only way to treat it is to either control the symptoms or remove the allergen.
Aspergillus is a fungus that can be treated with an anti-fungal medication. However, Andrew's doctor has not gone this route. They can be pretty hard on the liver. She is keeping them 'in her back pocket' for future use. She treats with prednisone, which reduces inflammation. We are taking the 'control the syptoms' approach.
Actually, Andrew has been off of prednisone for about 6 months since he started culturing mycobacterium abcessus. Apparently there is a link to long term prednisone use predisposing you to mycobacterium infections. So, we are off prednisone since the mycobacterium is more of an issue for him right now. However, aspergillus still shows up on every culture he has.
I will forwarn you..prednisone does a number on mood and behavior. Steriods really mess with you. If your doctor suggests this, be patient with your daughter. Oh, and another heads up..give the dose in the morning. Prednisone can cause night sweats so taking it in the morning instead of right before bed seems to help a bit.
Definitely talk to your doctor and see what he/she thinks. Treatment should not involve hospitilization, and it might be worth it to see if you notice a difference. If inflammation is the problem you should see some kind of improvement pretty quickly.
Good luck!