what would you do??


New member
If your mother and father knew that you would have CF would you have wanted to be born or would you have wanted her to terminate the pregnancy knowing what you know now and having the life you have had??

If you yourself were going to have a baby and the baby had CF would you have it??

<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I don't think anyone has the right to play God and terminate a baby because that baby does't fit the mold of what the parents wanted.. What a throw away world we live in...That is such a shame that anyone would even think of such a thing.. Ick.. I have CF and I have been sick my whole life on and off. I would not have wanted my parents to terminate me . I am alive. I experience love, happiness, sadness, all kinds of things. I would never have been able to decide to trust God with me life. I would never have been able to meet such wonderful people that I have met. I wouldn't have been able to see a baby learn to walk or a smile in a lovers eyes. I would never want to not have lived although my life is hard and full of things that could be very sad. If I was ever so blessed by God to conceive a child I would accept that child however he or she came to me. Besides, they are comming so far with advances can you imagine killing your baby before it was born to find out that a few short years later there is a cure....
These are my thoughts....


New member
AMEN!!!!! Thank you for your response, that was awsome!!!!! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> And so true.....


New member
Hey, I'm glad I was born, but I do feel a personal sense of responsibility when it comes to my own reproduction. If I ever decide to have children and am physically able, my partner will HAVE to be screened. If he is a carrier then there will be no pregnancy. My older sister and her husband were tested before they began their family and had already decided the same. He is not a carrier and they are expecting their third girl any day now <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">. I believe I am in control of my body and what happens to it, and I take the steps to avoid unplanned pregnancy. If I didn't have CF and was simply a carrier and had given birth to a CFer, I would not continue to have children. I would pursue other options.
23 w/ CF


New member
Excrement (heh) happens. I've had times where I wanted to die, I'm not going to pretend I didn't. I tried to kill myself once 4 years ago. However, all in all, I'm glad I was born, and I wouldn't change it, CF or not. As I've said before, CF is a pain in the ass, but it's also shaped a lot of my cool personality traits, so at least there's a plus in it somewhere.


New member
I am glad I was born, if I werent born I wouldnt know my awsome sisters and my beautiful neice and nephews. Although having CF hasnt been easy I am still grateful I was born.


New member
I totally agree - it would be awful to terminate a pregnancy because that child would be born with CF. I don't think of myself as just a poorly person that has CF. I'm a woman, sister, daughter, aunty and godmother oh and i just so happen to have Cystic Fibrosis. I have a life and I enjoy it for what it is without letting CF control me - I control it. I would never wish myself dead, I think life is a gift and it is a miracle to bring a life into the world. If someone asked me whether they should have a child with the poss of him/her having CF I would say yes - life is for living and I have enjoyed it even if times are sometimes hard; it just makes us who we are!!!

Take care everyone



New member
I see what you are getting at, is it "fair" to the baby. I will answer it this way. I am very glad I am alive, I love life and many people love me. The joys of my life far exceed the pains. If you are afraid of having a child with our disease that is reasonable, that is a very personal decision. I personally feel it is better to love and lost than never to love at all. I carry that over to life, hope that helps answer your questions.


New member
Fortunately, I know that my fiance is not a CF carrier, but I think I would have had a child anyway. In my head, I said that if he were a carrier, I would prob. try my luck once. Beyond that, I would have adopted. In fact, that is prob. what I will still do. Anyway, I know that my parents would have still had me, but they did decide to stop having children after me (tho I was the third child, so they might not have wanted another.) I think that maybe if I knew my husband was a carrier, later on in the child's life, I would feel very guilty having known and gone ahead with pregnancy anyway. It is certainly a very tough decision.
Like Emily, I also became deeply depressed 4 yrs ago and made a half-a--ed suicide attempt. The whole experience showed me the light. Now, I am - with the help of anti-depressants - a much happier person. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
I would not have wanted my parents to terminate me, I have what most people would consider a mild form of CF. I was not diagnosed until I was 22 and growing up I did not have any severe health problems. I played hockey for 14 years, baseball for 8 and my parents came to a lot of my games. They were there when I graduated from high school and college and I just got married in August 2004. If they had terminated the pregnancy they would have missed out on all that, and so would I.

I forgot to mention that I have an identical twin brother who has basically did the same as me, so they would have missed everything X2.

Dave 30 w/cf


New member
That would be an awful conversation with your mom to think you thought best to not have been born. My mom and I had sort of a conversation when she was coming to terms with my CF diagnosis. She said she wished she hadn't done this to me. That she wished she would have known befor I was born. I told her that saying things like that makes it sound as if my life has no meaning and I am a good person, I volunteer, I worked 50 something hours a week up till last year for 17 years, I care for my brother who is mentally ill, etc . But to even talk that way makes it sound like I am worthless. We didn't speak for a few weeks. I forgave her. But I can't imagine if I felt the way she did. No way! Life is hard disease or not. But I wouldn't have it any other way. If it wasn't for all of us, people wouldn't be educated on Cf and how it affects others. I know so many people that had no idea of what Cf does. I know you all do too. Someday they'll meet another child or adult with CF and that person will actually know what it is with out them having to explain to everyone, why they don't look sick and why they cough all the time. People would actually have empathy for them and support them instead of looking like they have 2 heads when their coughing their heads off. Ginny I'm sure you've done things in your life to be proud of and if it wasn't for you your friends, family, supporters, probly wouldn't know CF existed. Then theyd never find a cure. Education is the key to financial support to find a cure. so I'm sad you feel that way. I wish everyone well and if your not I hope you are soon. Eva


New member
Im not sure what I would do if I knew there was a chance at having a CF baby. I had this discussion with a doctor once. I would never wish this disease on someone or want to contribute to giving it to someone but I am glad Im here and that my parents had me. It has shaped who I am for the better I think. I have one older sister who also has CF. Shes 5 years older and my parents knew the risks of having a second CF child but had me anyway. THey stopped after me but the point is that they figured if God intended us to have CF than he must have thought my parents were strong enough to deal with it. I had a great childhood and life and I thank my parents everyday for deciding to try again!


New member
NB - This post may be upsetting to read, so please feel free to skip it and sorry if it does upset.

my mother probably would have had a termination had she known. in fact she did have a termination when she had CVS on a foetus after me, and it showed the baby would have had CF.

there are many ups to life yes, but a CF death is generally not just passing away peacefully in your sleep. in fact it can often be long, drawn out, painful and horrible. me not having been born yet there was also the risk i could get very sick very quick, and have a short and painful life, as some cf babies do. therefore i totally understand my mums thoughts that had she known, she would have weighed up the pros and cons and she felt it would be like playing russian roulette with her childs life and decided that the risk wasnt for her. i have a wonderful life, and am very happy, but i fully understand why she would have had an abortion.

i dont want to put words into Ginny's mouth, but maybe her and her mums discussion was along the same lines? for me its nothing to do with how my quality of life actually is, it is all about thinking about the risks before hand. and despite me saying i have a wonderful life (which i do) my health is very poor and i am all too aware of the not so nice end which i face. (hence why i am also pro-euthanasia, but thats another topic entirely!!)

on the other hand i understand people who decide not to terminate, as there is NO right answer. also the case now is slightly different than it was then, as this was 20 odd years ago.

i hope that my opinion hasnt upset anyone. its a very interesting question to which there is no right answer, its all relative and individual. and it is nice to see a balanced and calm debate <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I can respect a woman's decision to terminate (although it wouldn't be my own in this case) if she found out her child had CF. However, I think that people are underestimating themselves, when they say that they don't think they could handle having a "disabled" child. I am in a unique situation. Not only do I have a genetic disease, but I am going into the field of genetic counseling. For those of you who have not heard of this, genetic counseling is involved with carrier testing and so forth. Once, I saw a woman who had had 5 miscarriages. When she found out her 6th pregnancy would have Down Syndrome, she terminated. This woman said she knew she couldn't handle it. I was baffled by this decision. I guess what I am trying to say is no one knows what they can handle until it is on their plate. Do you think any of our parents ever thought they would be spending so much time at hospitals with their child, be giving daily chest pt - of course not. But they all did it. My dad said they would have still had me, regardless, and I don't think he was just saying that for my benefit. While no one would chose a child with CF over a healthy child, adversity strengthens us. And, let us not forget, we are not merely CF embodied. In addition to a CF patient, I am so many more things! CF has in many ways made me the person I am today. My parents have many sad memories, yes, and maybe a day doesn't go by when they don't wonder if I will outlive them or not. But, I have no doubt this life is worth living.


New member
My mom found out my older brother had CF when she was already pregnant with me and she said had she known beforehand she probably wouldn't have tried for more kids. But she said she was glad I came along. And it's not that she didn't want me it's that she feels so guilty and feels this is all her fault. Although she knows it's genetics she still feels this way. And she feels so upset that our lives have been the way they are. I mean I had a great childhood and things are goin ok right now but she just feels bad we have had to deal with this.

Nicole 22 CF