Whats everyones favorite music... Rock.. Rap... Pop..



Instead of learning Japanese (That'll take a lifetime--It's been 14 years for me, and I'm STILL learning!!), how about something like either finding the albums on the net to see if they are already translated, or, if you would like, perhaps I'd be able to find the translation for you.

Unfortunately, I really never had much interest in Japanese Animation (anime), or comics (manga), or my Japanese may/(or may not) have improved even more.

If you like the offer for me to get your translation, PM me, and I can pass along my personal E-Mail address for the data...
(P.S. "fumoffu" is a common mis-spell that Japanese use when changing from their writing system to romanized characters. I cannot find the meaning, but it looks like "fum" may be a japanese word (romanized to "fumu") for "step on, tread on"; and "offu", is more than likely the english word "off" which was written in Japanese, then (incorrectly) rewritten in romanized characters. )

Sounds like your music spectrum is about as wide as mine. I play music based on my mood (That must be why I listened to 'Guns and Roses', Anthrax and Led Zeppelin before my divorce!!), and I've got 'some' jazz related albums, a Beethoven CD, Led Zeppelin Best Hits collection, "New Age", and even a Garth Brooks best album! I guess you could say I go from ABBA to ZZ Top!!
Even though I'm a Journey fan (Got just about all their albums), I've never had a chance to see them in concert. I hope they happen to come here on their recent tour, my wife really wants to take me!! btw, she got along with my sister real quick, my sister's a Journey fan, too!


New member

Thanks for the offer, but I think there's a site (animelyrics.com) that posts that kind of stuff. I just haven't checked there in a while. That's funny about the fumoffu thing ^_^ In the show, one of the characters dresses up as a plushie character called Bonta-kun and runs around saying that all the time, so I don't know if it really has any relation to the correct translation or if it's just some crazy thing they threw in there. *lol* Ah, the weirdness...


Ah, the weirdness, that's what seperates Japan from the rest of the world!! (except in the Shogun Age!!)

You know "Bonta-kun" is just a name "Bonta" with the suffix meaning "child", or "adoration" to a name of a child, friend, or subordinate.

It's possible, "just to be cute", the character runs around saying that...

Anyway, apologies to the rest of the Music Enthusiats to stray from the topic, right, Lilith?!

(P.S. I remember "Dragonball Z" had a song from Hideaki Tokunaga that I liked.)


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i><br><blockquote>Quote
Elliott Smith's <i>Either/Or</i>,

wow! i wasn't expecting to see any elliott fans here, that's awesome. do you ever visit the <a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.sweetaddy.com">sweetadeline forum</a>?


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i><br><blockquote>Quote
<hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i>


Elliott Smith's <i>Either/Or</i>,


wow! i wasn't expecting to see any elliott fans here, that's awesome. do you ever visit the <a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.sweetaddy.com">sweetadeline">http://www.sweetaddy.com">sweetadeline</a> forum</a>?<hr></blockquote>

it's jacobus here btw


New member
I haven't, jacobus, but I will. Elliott's music always slays me, but especially this time of year when I think about his sad end (and then, by extension, about my own sad end!). What has it been, two years now? Appropriately enough, <i>Goodwill Hunting</i> was on cable yesterday, so I've been up all morning trying to work out the picking pattern in "Between the Bars" but winding up with a pale immitation before busting a string (likely a result of supernatural disapproval). Elliott's songs are subtle to the point of seeming simple, yet it's maddeningly difficult to get that "Elliott sound." I suppose that's the Elliott genius.



<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i><br>I haven't, jacobus, but I will. Elliott's music always slays me, but especially this time of year when I think about his sad end (and then, by extension, about my own sad end!). What has it been, two years now? Appropriately enough, <i>Goodwill Hunting</i> was on cable yesterday, so I've been up all morning trying to work out the picking pattern in "Between the Bars" but winding up with a pale immitation before busting a string (likely a result of supernatural disapproval). Elliott's songs are subtle to the point of seeming simple, yet it's maddeningly difficult to get that "Elliott sound." I suppose that's the Elliott genius.


there's a good tab for between the bars on <a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.sweetadeline.net">Elliott's Official Website</a> you can find tabs to most of his songs there. angeles is the real killer for me. i've been playing it for 6 years now and I still can't get it right! I'm a moderator over there, so be sure to say hi if you drop past. To my knowledge there are no other members with cf (aside from myself that is). nice to know i'm not alone!