Whats the best brand of Nebulizer???


New member
I have a pari pro i believe..
and its a piece of garbage.
Ive had three of these and I burn them up in 6 months. Dont know how, dont ask.
They're also loud buggers. I also find they lose pressure and treatments end up taking me 20+ minutes for each dose of medication. When you have to do two to three doses in a row, thats really time consuming and annoying.
Can everyone give me details of a good nebulizer brand and model they have/had?
The most important things to me are- Noise level and pressure/quick treatment times.
I dont really care about the longevity at this point because insurance picks up the tab and I would rather have a nebulizer that does what it should until it dies, if its in three months, so be it lol


New member
I have a pari pro i believe..
and its a piece of garbage.
Ive had three of these and I burn them up in 6 months. Dont know how, dont ask.
They're also loud buggers. I also find they lose pressure and treatments end up taking me 20+ minutes for each dose of medication. When you have to do two to three doses in a row, thats really time consuming and annoying.
Can everyone give me details of a good nebulizer brand and model they have/had?
The most important things to me are- Noise level and pressure/quick treatment times.
I dont really care about the longevity at this point because insurance picks up the tab and I would rather have a nebulizer that does what it should until it dies, if its in three months, so be it lol


Staff member
Several people on here have a mobilaire. They're more expensive, but the psi is adjustable and they're much more sturdier. I'm just biding our time until our Pari Vios and Devilbiss Pulmoaide's warranties expire. Meanwhile, I just call Pari and get the Vios (previously proneb ultra) replaced the next day. With the Devilbiss, I have to take it to the local DME and they ship it off and it gets replaced in a couple weeks. I prefer using the devilbiss for our everyday machine; however, the pari is just more portable.


Staff member
Several people on here have a mobilaire. They're more expensive, but the psi is adjustable and they're much more sturdier. I'm just biding our time until our Pari Vios and Devilbiss Pulmoaide's warranties expire. Meanwhile, I just call Pari and get the Vios (previously proneb ultra) replaced the next day. With the Devilbiss, I have to take it to the local DME and they ship it off and it gets replaced in a couple weeks. I prefer using the devilbiss for our everyday machine; however, the pari is just more portable.


New member
I have eflow and i am very glad i do! I know its kinda expensive and some of its parts should be replaced every now and then (more money) but its a huge time saver. It takes 5-8 minutes for Bramitob and 4 for Pulmozyme! Very very quick!


New member
I have eflow and i am very glad i do! I know its kinda expensive and some of its parts should be replaced every now and then (more money) but its a huge time saver. It takes 5-8 minutes for Bramitob and 4 for Pulmozyme! Very very quick!


Active member
OK but understand that you are talking about the COMPRESSOR, the nebulizer is the part that you put in your mouth.



Active member
OK but understand that you are talking about the COMPRESSOR, the nebulizer is the part that you put in your mouth.



New member
I just looked up the mobilaire and I remember I had one similar donkey years ago when I was a kid and man that thing was a beast! Had it up until I was in my early teens IIRC. Only downside to them though from what I remember is it was heavy, noisy and big n comparison to what's available these days.


New member
I just looked up the mobilaire and I remember I had one similar donkey years ago when I was a kid and man that thing was a beast! Had it up until I was in my early teens IIRC. Only downside to them though from what I remember is it was heavy, noisy and big n comparison to what's available these days.