whats the point?


New member
It is not useless and dont give up. I used to be like you, why should I do my treatments when I can be doing much funner things like hanging with friends or chasing girls<img src=""> But then I talked to an older CFer in the hospital, and I saw how hard he was trying to stay with his pfts just above 20% cuz he told me the most scariest thing in the world to him was getting a lung tx. This coming from a 34 year old cf patient. And how when he was younger he didnt do treatments becuase he said they were useless he was just going to die. Now he has two kids(yes, his own).
I talked to my CF doctor, who left me to be one of the head people to try and find a cure, and he told me that he would be surprised if they didnt have a cure in less then 10years, he said you will not be 100% cured as the pancrease is gone forever but it will put a hault on the lung part.
So dont give up there will be a cure, they are working hard on it, and will get it. Just have faith


New member
It is not useless and dont give up. I used to be like you, why should I do my treatments when I can be doing much funner things like hanging with friends or chasing girls<img src=""> But then I talked to an older CFer in the hospital, and I saw how hard he was trying to stay with his pfts just above 20% cuz he told me the most scariest thing in the world to him was getting a lung tx. This coming from a 34 year old cf patient. And how when he was younger he didnt do treatments becuase he said they were useless he was just going to die. Now he has two kids(yes, his own).
I talked to my CF doctor, who left me to be one of the head people to try and find a cure, and he told me that he would be surprised if they didnt have a cure in less then 10years, he said you will not be 100% cured as the pancrease is gone forever but it will put a hault on the lung part.
So dont give up there will be a cure, they are working hard on it, and will get it. Just have faith


New member
It is not useless and dont give up. I used to be like you, why should I do my treatments when I can be doing much funner things like hanging with friends or chasing girls<img src=""> But then I talked to an older CFer in the hospital, and I saw how hard he was trying to stay with his pfts just above 20% cuz he told me the most scariest thing in the world to him was getting a lung tx. This coming from a 34 year old cf patient. And how when he was younger he didnt do treatments becuase he said they were useless he was just going to die. Now he has two kids(yes, his own).
I talked to my CF doctor, who left me to be one of the head people to try and find a cure, and he told me that he would be surprised if they didnt have a cure in less then 10years, he said you will not be 100% cured as the pancrease is gone forever but it will put a hault on the lung part.
So dont give up there will be a cure, they are working hard on it, and will get it. Just have faith


New member
It is not useless and dont give up. I used to be like you, why should I do my treatments when I can be doing much funner things like hanging with friends or chasing girls<img src=""> But then I talked to an older CFer in the hospital, and I saw how hard he was trying to stay with his pfts just above 20% cuz he told me the most scariest thing in the world to him was getting a lung tx. This coming from a 34 year old cf patient. And how when he was younger he didnt do treatments becuase he said they were useless he was just going to die. Now he has two kids(yes, his own).
I talked to my CF doctor, who left me to be one of the head people to try and find a cure, and he told me that he would be surprised if they didnt have a cure in less then 10years, he said you will not be 100% cured as the pancrease is gone forever but it will put a hault on the lung part.
So dont give up there will be a cure, they are working hard on it, and will get it. Just have faith


New member
It is not useless and dont give up. I used to be like you, why should I do my treatments when I can be doing much funner things like hanging with friends or chasing girls<img src=""> But then I talked to an older CFer in the hospital, and I saw how hard he was trying to stay with his pfts just above 20% cuz he told me the most scariest thing in the world to him was getting a lung tx. This coming from a 34 year old cf patient. And how when he was younger he didnt do treatments becuase he said they were useless he was just going to die. Now he has two kids(yes, his own).
<br /> I talked to my CF doctor, who left me to be one of the head people to try and find a cure, and he told me that he would be surprised if they didnt have a cure in less then 10years, he said you will not be 100% cured as the pancrease is gone forever but it will put a hault on the lung part.
<br /> So dont give up there will be a cure, they are working hard on it, and will get it. Just have faith


New member
Hey my name is Sammi or Gigglez and i am 17 and i found a great guy that knows about my problems and want to be with me anyways well thats what he says.

Life is too short not to be with someone that you really love and care about. And you wont be able to find love if you dont give life a chance.
Also meds are making our life expecetenices alot higher and more possiable for us to have great things in our lifes we just have to want them enough to fight for them.

I hope this helps some...


New member
Hey my name is Sammi or Gigglez and i am 17 and i found a great guy that knows about my problems and want to be with me anyways well thats what he says.

Life is too short not to be with someone that you really love and care about. And you wont be able to find love if you dont give life a chance.
Also meds are making our life expecetenices alot higher and more possiable for us to have great things in our lifes we just have to want them enough to fight for them.

I hope this helps some...


New member
Hey my name is Sammi or Gigglez and i am 17 and i found a great guy that knows about my problems and want to be with me anyways well thats what he says.

Life is too short not to be with someone that you really love and care about. And you wont be able to find love if you dont give life a chance.
Also meds are making our life expecetenices alot higher and more possiable for us to have great things in our lifes we just have to want them enough to fight for them.

I hope this helps some...


New member
Hey my name is Sammi or Gigglez and i am 17 and i found a great guy that knows about my problems and want to be with me anyways well thats what he says.

Life is too short not to be with someone that you really love and care about. And you wont be able to find love if you dont give life a chance.
Also meds are making our life expecetenices alot higher and more possiable for us to have great things in our lifes we just have to want them enough to fight for them.

I hope this helps some...


New member
Hey my name is Sammi or Gigglez and i am 17 and i found a great guy that knows about my problems and want to be with me anyways well thats what he says.
<br />
<br />Life is too short not to be with someone that you really love and care about. And you wont be able to find love if you dont give life a chance.
<br />Also meds are making our life expecetenices alot higher and more possiable for us to have great things in our lifes we just have to want them enough to fight for them.
<br />
<br />I hope this helps some...
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