What's Your CF Story?

What's your CF story? Mine is I've had it all my life...all 13 years, and I take tons of meds and pills and I do the vest along with having a port.
What's your CF story? Mine is I've had it all my life...all 13 years, and I take tons of meds and pills and I do the vest along with having a port.
What's your CF story? Mine is I've had it all my life...all 13 years, and I take tons of meds and pills and I do the vest along with having a port.
What's your CF story? Mine is I've had it all my life...all 13 years, and I take tons of meds and pills and I do the vest along with having a port.
What's your CF story? Mine is I've had it all my life...all 13 years, and I take tons of meds and pills and I do the vest along with having a port.


New member
I've had it my entire life. I was diagnosed at 13 months, take tons of pills and medications. I also have scoliosis! Lucky me, haha. I got my spine fused in 2007 and am two inches taller than I was beforehand.
I'm eighteen now, and love life. And I'm a closet nerd. Don't tell anyone.


New member
I've had it my entire life. I was diagnosed at 13 months, take tons of pills and medications. I also have scoliosis! Lucky me, haha. I got my spine fused in 2007 and am two inches taller than I was beforehand.
I'm eighteen now, and love life. And I'm a closet nerd. Don't tell anyone.


New member
I've had it my entire life. I was diagnosed at 13 months, take tons of pills and medications. I also have scoliosis! Lucky me, haha. I got my spine fused in 2007 and am two inches taller than I was beforehand.
I'm eighteen now, and love life. And I'm a closet nerd. Don't tell anyone.


New member
I've had it my entire life. I was diagnosed at 13 months, take tons of pills and medications. I also have scoliosis! Lucky me, haha. I got my spine fused in 2007 and am two inches taller than I was beforehand.
I'm eighteen now, and love life. And I'm a closet nerd. Don't tell anyone.


New member
I've had it my entire life. I was diagnosed at 13 months, take tons of pills and medications. I also have scoliosis! Lucky me, haha. I got my spine fused in 2007 and am two inches taller than I was beforehand.
<br />I'm eighteen now, and love life. And I'm a closet nerd. Don't tell anyone.


New member
ive had this my entire life well pretty much i was dignosed at 08 months and i am in and out of the hospital i am at home for 3 weeks and addmited for 2 weeks and i take like 5-6 antibiotics by mouth and 4-5 iv antibiotics when i am in and my physio is flutter hate it . said no to transplant and i am just really a person who wants to have a life but cant because cystic fibrosis seams like it controls me anybody have any advice and i am really just sick and tierd of fighting anybody on the same page as me . i have told my mom that if i live to go to university i want to go to university to become a docotor and i have been told that i wont live pass my 20's and i really give props to all the cf kids who passed there teen years and have any of you guuys or girls got really close to one of your doctors and tell them evreything and well i have me and my doctor are really close and anytime i have a qquestion she is there to answer it and well she is just the best because she is always there for me and she said the CARE word to me no other doctor has said it because it is aganst the doctor rules . well you know how you can tell a doctor cares but wont show it well she shows it . she is amazing to talk to . i have a friend with cf and he is 3 and he wants to be like me so i have to show hime that taking meds is what he has to do even thow i think meds and physio is just a waste of my time because you are aventully going too lose all of your lung and die at a younger age and well i will be on later see ya peace out



New member
ive had this my entire life well pretty much i was dignosed at 08 months and i am in and out of the hospital i am at home for 3 weeks and addmited for 2 weeks and i take like 5-6 antibiotics by mouth and 4-5 iv antibiotics when i am in and my physio is flutter hate it . said no to transplant and i am just really a person who wants to have a life but cant because cystic fibrosis seams like it controls me anybody have any advice and i am really just sick and tierd of fighting anybody on the same page as me . i have told my mom that if i live to go to university i want to go to university to become a docotor and i have been told that i wont live pass my 20's and i really give props to all the cf kids who passed there teen years and have any of you guuys or girls got really close to one of your doctors and tell them evreything and well i have me and my doctor are really close and anytime i have a qquestion she is there to answer it and well she is just the best because she is always there for me and she said the CARE word to me no other doctor has said it because it is aganst the doctor rules . well you know how you can tell a doctor cares but wont show it well she shows it . she is amazing to talk to . i have a friend with cf and he is 3 and he wants to be like me so i have to show hime that taking meds is what he has to do even thow i think meds and physio is just a waste of my time because you are aventully going too lose all of your lung and die at a younger age and well i will be on later see ya peace out



New member
ive had this my entire life well pretty much i was dignosed at 08 months and i am in and out of the hospital i am at home for 3 weeks and addmited for 2 weeks and i take like 5-6 antibiotics by mouth and 4-5 iv antibiotics when i am in and my physio is flutter hate it . said no to transplant and i am just really a person who wants to have a life but cant because cystic fibrosis seams like it controls me anybody have any advice and i am really just sick and tierd of fighting anybody on the same page as me . i have told my mom that if i live to go to university i want to go to university to become a docotor and i have been told that i wont live pass my 20's and i really give props to all the cf kids who passed there teen years and have any of you guuys or girls got really close to one of your doctors and tell them evreything and well i have me and my doctor are really close and anytime i have a qquestion she is there to answer it and well she is just the best because she is always there for me and she said the CARE word to me no other doctor has said it because it is aganst the doctor rules . well you know how you can tell a doctor cares but wont show it well she shows it . she is amazing to talk to . i have a friend with cf and he is 3 and he wants to be like me so i have to show hime that taking meds is what he has to do even thow i think meds and physio is just a waste of my time because you are aventully going too lose all of your lung and die at a younger age and well i will be on later see ya peace out



New member
ive had this my entire life well pretty much i was dignosed at 08 months and i am in and out of the hospital i am at home for 3 weeks and addmited for 2 weeks and i take like 5-6 antibiotics by mouth and 4-5 iv antibiotics when i am in and my physio is flutter hate it . said no to transplant and i am just really a person who wants to have a life but cant because cystic fibrosis seams like it controls me anybody have any advice and i am really just sick and tierd of fighting anybody on the same page as me . i have told my mom that if i live to go to university i want to go to university to become a docotor and i have been told that i wont live pass my 20's and i really give props to all the cf kids who passed there teen years and have any of you guuys or girls got really close to one of your doctors and tell them evreything and well i have me and my doctor are really close and anytime i have a qquestion she is there to answer it and well she is just the best because she is always there for me and she said the CARE word to me no other doctor has said it because it is aganst the doctor rules . well you know how you can tell a doctor cares but wont show it well she shows it . she is amazing to talk to . i have a friend with cf and he is 3 and he wants to be like me so i have to show hime that taking meds is what he has to do even thow i think meds and physio is just a waste of my time because you are aventully going too lose all of your lung and die at a younger age and well i will be on later see ya peace out



New member
ive had this my entire life well pretty much i was dignosed at 08 months and i am in and out of the hospital i am at home for 3 weeks and addmited for 2 weeks and i take like 5-6 antibiotics by mouth and 4-5 iv antibiotics when i am in and my physio is flutter hate it . said no to transplant and i am just really a person who wants to have a life but cant because cystic fibrosis seams like it controls me anybody have any advice and i am really just sick and tierd of fighting anybody on the same page as me . i have told my mom that if i live to go to university i want to go to university to become a docotor and i have been told that i wont live pass my 20's and i really give props to all the cf kids who passed there teen years and have any of you guuys or girls got really close to one of your doctors and tell them evreything and well i have me and my doctor are really close and anytime i have a qquestion she is there to answer it and well she is just the best because she is always there for me and she said the CARE word to me no other doctor has said it because it is aganst the doctor rules . well you know how you can tell a doctor cares but wont show it well she shows it . she is amazing to talk to . i have a friend with cf and he is 3 and he wants to be like me so i have to show hime that taking meds is what he has to do even thow i think meds and physio is just a waste of my time because you are aventully going too lose all of your lung and die at a younger age and well i will be on later see ya peace out
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<br />ashley


New member
hey. my name is annie. i have had cf all my life also along with most of you. i am 16. i haven't been very good about taking my meds and stuff. since i haven't been taking them im now on tobi. and dnase. and of course ultrase and cipro. soo many. everyone tells me "just take your meds. its only 5 min a day". but what they don't realize is that its alot of work. and for me i think its just a cause and effect thing. because i don't feel my self getting better. so i don't do them. but right now im fighting a cold. so i feel like crap. this forum thing is new to me. love to hear from ya. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
hey. my name is annie. i have had cf all my life also along with most of you. i am 16. i haven't been very good about taking my meds and stuff. since i haven't been taking them im now on tobi. and dnase. and of course ultrase and cipro. soo many. everyone tells me "just take your meds. its only 5 min a day". but what they don't realize is that its alot of work. and for me i think its just a cause and effect thing. because i don't feel my self getting better. so i don't do them. but right now im fighting a cold. so i feel like crap. this forum thing is new to me. love to hear from ya. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
hey. my name is annie. i have had cf all my life also along with most of you. i am 16. i haven't been very good about taking my meds and stuff. since i haven't been taking them im now on tobi. and dnase. and of course ultrase and cipro. soo many. everyone tells me "just take your meds. its only 5 min a day". but what they don't realize is that its alot of work. and for me i think its just a cause and effect thing. because i don't feel my self getting better. so i don't do them. but right now im fighting a cold. so i feel like crap. this forum thing is new to me. love to hear from ya. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
hey. my name is annie. i have had cf all my life also along with most of you. i am 16. i haven't been very good about taking my meds and stuff. since i haven't been taking them im now on tobi. and dnase. and of course ultrase and cipro. soo many. everyone tells me "just take your meds. its only 5 min a day". but what they don't realize is that its alot of work. and for me i think its just a cause and effect thing. because i don't feel my self getting better. so i don't do them. but right now im fighting a cold. so i feel like crap. this forum thing is new to me. love to hear from ya. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
hey. my name is annie. i have had cf all my life also along with most of you. i am 16. i haven't been very good about taking my meds and stuff. since i haven't been taking them im now on tobi. and dnase. and of course ultrase and cipro. soo many. everyone tells me "just take your meds. its only 5 min a day". but what they don't realize is that its alot of work. and for me i think its just a cause and effect thing. because i don't feel my self getting better. so i don't do them. but right now im fighting a cold. so i feel like crap. this forum thing is new to me. love to hear from ya. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">