When did you first.....


New member
I learnt this game today...I say when did you first (insert whatever here!) and you say when and any details.

For example

When did you first have a bf/gf?

When I was 10 and he was so cute!!!!

When was your first word? (And what was it?!)


New member
On the same stretch of road where part of the Blues Brothers was filmed (it was an unfished highway and we all learned to drive there!~)

When did you first travel outside the country


New member
Since before I can remember, I've been teased because I was a nerdy girl.

How old were you when you first understood what death meant?


New member
About 9 years old.....a dear elderly friend of the family that had been living with us for quite sometime after her hospital stay finally passed away. She previously had cancer & had her voice box removed & even tho I was a child I could understand exactly what she said. She didnt have the ability to use one of those gadgets that some do to imitate their voices. She was a terrific lady who I guess was like a grandma to me since I never had the chance to know my grandmas. I remember other people dying & my parents being upset, but Betty is the first one that it meant anything to me. I havent thought about her in years.......thanks Allie for bringing the topic up. It brought back a bitter, but sweet memory!

OK do you know where you were in January 1986 when the Challenger went down after take off from NASA?


New member
I was in the 5th grade for the second time ( I was left back) and I had just walked in the door from school.. It was on the news... My dad was sitting in a chair watching it......and all I remember is the women teacher and feeling really bad for her...

When was the first time that you knew your parents were not perfect?


New member
The only time my mother ever hit me. She smacked me on the back & put me into a coughing fit! I never thought of my Dad as not perfect to the day he died!

What was your thought the first time you realized what Mom/Dad did behind bedroom doors?


New member
i thought they only ever did it 4 times (i have 1 brother and 2 sisters!!!)

what was your first job?


New member
I worked in a department store near us for 17 days. Out of those 17 days 13 of them were straight in a row. We were required to wear long skirts or dresses (didnt matter if you looked like a slob tho) & I rebelled on my last day of work & wore dress pants (bad girl) & they were going to discipline me. Ms. MaryLou (the supervisors were called Mrs/Mrs/Ms & whatever their first names were) told me to change or go home & since it was my last day anyway I went home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My next job was at a law firm & that department store was one of our clients....guess who had to be nice to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL

What did u do the first time u saw an exboyfriend/girlfriend with a new boyfriend/girlfriend?


New member
When i was 15 at a dance, 5 years later the stars finally alligned and we got together and moved in together... we've been together now for 1 1/2 years...

When did you learn how to ride a bike?

Ashley 21 w/cf


New member
I dont remember my first time, but I remember a new 26" Blue Shwinn 10 speed. My feet couldnt touch the ground & the first time riding that at age 10 I wiped out in our driveway that was all sand!

What was the first movie you went to see at a theatre?


New member
i don't remember that...but i remember my first movie date...oh boy was that nerve-racking. starsky and hutch...ickk ... :p

when was your first sleepover <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">