When did you start symptoms?


New member
I haven't missed my period yet but for the past week my boobs have hurt terribly and I have major indigestion. I feel like I want to vomit at times but I think that is due to the indigestion. I broke out on my face a little and I usually don't do that. My boobs never hurt before my period let alone a week and half before it. I'm trying to wait until my period to see if I even get it but I want to know if anyone here experienced symptoms before they missed their period. Any info would be great! Oh and I'm on the pill but I missed three days last month so being pregnant wouldn't be totally out of the question.


28/ w cf


New member
I haven't missed my period yet but for the past week my boobs have hurt terribly and I have major indigestion. I feel like I want to vomit at times but I think that is due to the indigestion. I broke out on my face a little and I usually don't do that. My boobs never hurt before my period let alone a week and half before it. I'm trying to wait until my period to see if I even get it but I want to know if anyone here experienced symptoms before they missed their period. Any info would be great! Oh and I'm on the pill but I missed three days last month so being pregnant wouldn't be totally out of the question.


28/ w cf


New member
I haven't missed my period yet but for the past week my boobs have hurt terribly and I have major indigestion. I feel like I want to vomit at times but I think that is due to the indigestion. I broke out on my face a little and I usually don't do that. My boobs never hurt before my period let alone a week and half before it. I'm trying to wait until my period to see if I even get it but I want to know if anyone here experienced symptoms before they missed their period. Any info would be great! Oh and I'm on the pill but I missed three days last month so being pregnant wouldn't be totally out of the question.


28/ w cf


New member
I haven't missed my period yet but for the past week my boobs have hurt terribly and I have major indigestion. I feel like I want to vomit at times but I think that is due to the indigestion. I broke out on my face a little and I usually don't do that. My boobs never hurt before my period let alone a week and half before it. I'm trying to wait until my period to see if I even get it but I want to know if anyone here experienced symptoms before they missed their period. Any info would be great! Oh and I'm on the pill but I missed three days last month so being pregnant wouldn't be totally out of the question.


28/ w cf


New member
I haven't missed my period yet but for the past week my boobs have hurt terribly and I have major indigestion. I feel like I want to vomit at times but I think that is due to the indigestion. I broke out on my face a little and I usually don't do that. My boobs never hurt before my period let alone a week and half before it. I'm trying to wait until my period to see if I even get it but I want to know if anyone here experienced symptoms before they missed their period. Any info would be great! Oh and I'm on the pill but I missed three days last month so being pregnant wouldn't be totally out of the question.


28/ w cf



Every one is different but since you haven't missed your period yet I wouldn't think your symptoms are pregnancy related. It takes time for the hormones to build up in your system before you start getting real pregnancy signs. I started getting nauseated around 5.5 weeks - so over a week after my period was due. My best advice - go get a pregnancy test. If it is negative then your symptoms definately aren't pregnancy related.



Every one is different but since you haven't missed your period yet I wouldn't think your symptoms are pregnancy related. It takes time for the hormones to build up in your system before you start getting real pregnancy signs. I started getting nauseated around 5.5 weeks - so over a week after my period was due. My best advice - go get a pregnancy test. If it is negative then your symptoms definately aren't pregnancy related.



Every one is different but since you haven't missed your period yet I wouldn't think your symptoms are pregnancy related. It takes time for the hormones to build up in your system before you start getting real pregnancy signs. I started getting nauseated around 5.5 weeks - so over a week after my period was due. My best advice - go get a pregnancy test. If it is negative then your symptoms definately aren't pregnancy related.



Every one is different but since you haven't missed your period yet I wouldn't think your symptoms are pregnancy related. It takes time for the hormones to build up in your system before you start getting real pregnancy signs. I started getting nauseated around 5.5 weeks - so over a week after my period was due. My best advice - go get a pregnancy test. If it is negative then your symptoms definately aren't pregnancy related.



Every one is different but since you haven't missed your period yet I wouldn't think your symptoms are pregnancy related. It takes time for the hormones to build up in your system before you start getting real pregnancy signs. I started getting nauseated around 5.5 weeks - so over a week after my period was due. My best advice - go get a pregnancy test. If it is negative then your symptoms definately aren't pregnancy related.


New member
Yes, I experienced sore breasts and mild cramping when I was pregnant but had not yet missed my period.


New member
Yes, I experienced sore breasts and mild cramping when I was pregnant but had not yet missed my period.


New member
Yes, I experienced sore breasts and mild cramping when I was pregnant but had not yet missed my period.


New member
Yes, I experienced sore breasts and mild cramping when I was pregnant but had not yet missed my period.


New member
Yes, I experienced sore breasts and mild cramping when I was pregnant but had not yet missed my period.


New member
I did IVF and though I didn't realize they were symptoms at the time, I had sore extremely boobs and blood sugar changes (I became diabetic) 5 days after my transfer. That would be less than 3 weeks along, sounds crazy but true. Once the embryo's implanted I had symptoms straight away.


New member
I did IVF and though I didn't realize they were symptoms at the time, I had sore extremely boobs and blood sugar changes (I became diabetic) 5 days after my transfer. That would be less than 3 weeks along, sounds crazy but true. Once the embryo's implanted I had symptoms straight away.


New member
I did IVF and though I didn't realize they were symptoms at the time, I had sore extremely boobs and blood sugar changes (I became diabetic) 5 days after my transfer. That would be less than 3 weeks along, sounds crazy but true. Once the embryo's implanted I had symptoms straight away.


New member
I did IVF and though I didn't realize they were symptoms at the time, I had sore extremely boobs and blood sugar changes (I became diabetic) 5 days after my transfer. That would be less than 3 weeks along, sounds crazy but true. Once the embryo's implanted I had symptoms straight away.


New member
I did IVF and though I didn't realize they were symptoms at the time, I had sore extremely boobs and blood sugar changes (I became diabetic) 5 days after my transfer. That would be less than 3 weeks along, sounds crazy but true. Once the embryo's implanted I had symptoms straight away.