When do you call the CF clinic?


Staff member
I'm so glad you called, too. That worrying can drive one BONKERS! Hope he's feeling better so you can just enjoy his "babyhood" instead of worrying about his cough, etc.


Staff member
I'm so glad you called, too. That worrying can drive one BONKERS! Hope he's feeling better so you can just enjoy his "babyhood" instead of worrying about his cough, etc.


Staff member
I'm so glad you called, too. That worrying can drive one BONKERS! Hope he's feeling better so you can just enjoy his "babyhood" instead of worrying about his cough, etc.


Staff member
I'm so glad you called, too. That worrying can drive one BONKERS! Hope he's feeling better so you can just enjoy his "babyhood" instead of worrying about his cough, etc.


Staff member
I'm so glad you called, too. That worrying can drive one BONKERS! Hope he's feeling better so you can just enjoy his "babyhood" instead of worrying about his cough, etc.


Active member
Our little one has two CF genes and is followed by a CF clinic even though she is asymptomatic right now. We do have a vest and we are on nebs twice a day as a preventative measure, but we do not have a clinical diagnosis.

We've talked with our pediatrician and he's starting to act funny, so we are definitely calling the CF clinic first. He really overreacted when we told him that we've started doing vest treatments.

Hope everything continues to go well and that everyone feels better soon!



Active member
Our little one has two CF genes and is followed by a CF clinic even though she is asymptomatic right now. We do have a vest and we are on nebs twice a day as a preventative measure, but we do not have a clinical diagnosis.

We've talked with our pediatrician and he's starting to act funny, so we are definitely calling the CF clinic first. He really overreacted when we told him that we've started doing vest treatments.

Hope everything continues to go well and that everyone feels better soon!



Active member
Our little one has two CF genes and is followed by a CF clinic even though she is asymptomatic right now. We do have a vest and we are on nebs twice a day as a preventative measure, but we do not have a clinical diagnosis.

We've talked with our pediatrician and he's starting to act funny, so we are definitely calling the CF clinic first. He really overreacted when we told him that we've started doing vest treatments.

Hope everything continues to go well and that everyone feels better soon!



Active member
Our little one has two CF genes and is followed by a CF clinic even though she is asymptomatic right now. We do have a vest and we are on nebs twice a day as a preventative measure, but we do not have a clinical diagnosis.

We've talked with our pediatrician and he's starting to act funny, so we are definitely calling the CF clinic first. He really overreacted when we told him that we've started doing vest treatments.

Hope everything continues to go well and that everyone feels better soon!



Active member
Our little one has two CF genes and is followed by a CF clinic even though she is asymptomatic right now. We do have a vest and we are on nebs twice a day as a preventative measure, but we do not have a clinical diagnosis.

We've talked with our pediatrician and he's starting to act funny, so we are definitely calling the CF clinic first. He really overreacted when we told him that we've started doing vest treatments.

Hope everything continues to go well and that everyone feels better soon!



New member
Heh ladies, when we first started clinic a couple of years ago, it was kind of gray as to when to call them and when to call the peds. Now, it isn't so gray. Anytime it has anything to do with Zoe's nose, cough, digestion we call cf clinic. If she were to have a say, 'skin rash', I'd call her peds. Mainly because Zoe's pulmonary issues have escalated to where she cultures some yucky bacteria, they never mess around with treating her. I think it gets easier to know when to call cf clinic and when to call peds. In the beginning it was definately a harder decision to make.

Have a great day!


New member
Heh ladies, when we first started clinic a couple of years ago, it was kind of gray as to when to call them and when to call the peds. Now, it isn't so gray. Anytime it has anything to do with Zoe's nose, cough, digestion we call cf clinic. If she were to have a say, 'skin rash', I'd call her peds. Mainly because Zoe's pulmonary issues have escalated to where she cultures some yucky bacteria, they never mess around with treating her. I think it gets easier to know when to call cf clinic and when to call peds. In the beginning it was definately a harder decision to make.

Have a great day!


New member
Heh ladies, when we first started clinic a couple of years ago, it was kind of gray as to when to call them and when to call the peds. Now, it isn't so gray. Anytime it has anything to do with Zoe's nose, cough, digestion we call cf clinic. If she were to have a say, 'skin rash', I'd call her peds. Mainly because Zoe's pulmonary issues have escalated to where she cultures some yucky bacteria, they never mess around with treating her. I think it gets easier to know when to call cf clinic and when to call peds. In the beginning it was definately a harder decision to make.

Have a great day!


New member
Heh ladies, when we first started clinic a couple of years ago, it was kind of gray as to when to call them and when to call the peds. Now, it isn't so gray. Anytime it has anything to do with Zoe's nose, cough, digestion we call cf clinic. If she were to have a say, 'skin rash', I'd call her peds. Mainly because Zoe's pulmonary issues have escalated to where she cultures some yucky bacteria, they never mess around with treating her. I think it gets easier to know when to call cf clinic and when to call peds. In the beginning it was definately a harder decision to make.

Have a great day!


New member
Heh ladies, when we first started clinic a couple of years ago, it was kind of gray as to when to call them and when to call the peds. Now, it isn't so gray. Anytime it has anything to do with Zoe's nose, cough, digestion we call cf clinic. If she were to have a say, 'skin rash', I'd call her peds. Mainly because Zoe's pulmonary issues have escalated to where she cultures some yucky bacteria, they never mess around with treating her. I think it gets easier to know when to call cf clinic and when to call peds. In the beginning it was definately a harder decision to make.

Have a great day!