When do you need Oxygen?


New member
Lately my Oxygen levels I have been testing with my home sat machine have been declining and I am worried about what to do. I was in the hospital about 6 months ago and I hate to say it but its probably time to go in again, but what else can improve Oxygen levels in the body?

Any medications? Supplements? Exercise? This is new territory for me.


New member
If you aren't exercising at least somewhat regularly, you should be. Doesn't even have to be intense, just get up and walk for a while. My big decline, personally, came after I finished college and suddenly I wasn't out and about on campus 4 days a week. Otherwise, rigorous adherence to your daily therapy routine, especially airway clearance, and watching your diet (high blood sugar is an inflammatory) are all I can suggest. It's hard, just do your best.

Obviously, if you're at the point where you need a clean out at the hospital, you're probably not going to delay that, but I mean in general.