When does your port stop hurting?


New member
I got a port placed a little over a week ago & my body still doesn't seem to have accepted that its there permanently. It hurt like hell for a few days & now is a dull pain, but I still feel like I shouldn't lift things & when I cough I feel like I'm irritating it. How long does it take for a port to feel just like another part of your body, or does it always hurt a little bit? When I had it place the surgeon told me I probably wouldn't need to use the pain meds, but I guess I'm a wimp because I definitely did use them. Anyone have port experience they'd like to share? Thanks!


Mine was painful enough for some extra strength tylenol every 4 hours for like 4 days and then it got better and didn't need the tylenol. It wasn't so much the port spot that was painful but the little incision on my neck hurt the most especially when I needed to cough. Around the 2 week mark I felt 100% again.


New member
I just got my 3rd one placed this Friday, it's still a bit sore, but not like it was yesterday or Friday.. My other ports felt similar as far as pain levels went, by the end of the first week, the pain wasn't really noticeable unless I bumped it on something (it was tender in that respect for a little while longer) . Lifting on the right side definitely causes a twinge of pain, so I have been careful. I don't think you are a wimp, there are alot of factors that would make it more painful for some, like placement, stitching, how big the incision is, etc. I also have quite a bit of bruising around my port, so if you are bruised, then that would cause pain as well.

You should feel better as each day passes, if you notices some unusual swelling or the site is hot to touch, has a discharge, or you have a fever, see your doctor right away.. These are signs of infection

Feel better soon!
Jenn 40 wCF


New member
The surgeon who placed mine also told me I probably wouldn't need pain meds other than maybe the first day. My conclusion was that she has probably never had one placed. I definitely needed the pain meds for several days. They had trouble making a pocket for mine, so it took longer than expected and probably ended up with me being a bit more beat up than normal. Still, I think most people need pain meds more than just on the day it's placed.

Anyway--I remember it being quite a while before it was totally comfortable. The worst of the pain was over in a few days, but it still didn't feel great. It was at least a month, maybe a few, before I could sleep on my stomach again. Eventually, though, it's not even noticeable. I hope the pain is much better soon. I think you'll find it's worth it!


New member
I didn't take any pain meds other than ibuprofen for a couple of days to keep inflammation under control, at the doctor's orders. I hurt, but not the same kind of hurt as the deeper, longer lasting sports injuries I had. My port felt for while like I'd torn something, sure, but localized. It's all relative in the grand scheme of things. I guess it took about a month before ALL the twinges went away and about six months before I didn't feel the need to automatically protect that area.

You just had a line inserted into your jugular, run under your skin (separating the tenuous connective tissue between skin and muscle), and had a chunk of metal slid into a small incision in your body. This is not normal and to expect to be pain free in a week is perhaps looking at things too rosy. Give it time.

Oh, and welcome to the port crowd. This is just the beginning of a wonderful journey in our collective. Resistance is futile.


New member
If I recall correctly it took about a month and a half before it was back to normal. Mine hurt like hell for the first 2 weeks.. trying to sit up was a chore, as was dressing myself for that matter. I didn't realize that pretty much any movement your body makes goes through that muscle they put the port through.