When/how was your child diagnosed?


New member
I see that you may have been talking to9 someone about flu shots, I wasn't aware that other people besides my kids and my husband and I needed to get the shot? Is this something that your Doctor recomended or is this a wish of yours. Last year around the holidays ( my son wasn't dx yet, but was very sick and had been sick for months) when my in-laws kept it from me that someone was sick. They think that I make to much out of it, and this was before he was dx. My fear is now that he is going into the Hospital this coming Monday and will be there a week, then hopefully come home after one week but continue on IV Antibiotics for another two weeks. This is going to be over Thanksgiving, should I be very concerned and possible not go around lots of people while he is on the antibiotics? I want to do what is best for him, this is something I guess I will ask the Doctor while we are at the Hospital. If you have any input that would be great! Thanks.
~Mom to Logan 4 1/2 w c/f~