When is a cold no longer contagious? (Girlfriend has CF)



Hello all,

My girlfriend has CF and we have been dating for over 6 months now. For the first time in our relationship, I have been sick (common cold). In order to minimize risk of getting her sick, (which could lead to another hospitalization) I have been refraining from kissing her, and when I am near her I wear a surgical mask.

I am wondering - how do I know when I am no longer contagious? With her weakened immune system, I want to be extra cautious.

Thanks in advance.


New member
I know that it's contagious 3 days before you start showing symptoms. As for how long into it, I guess that you stop being contagious when what you blow out of your nose is no longer colored.

Thank you for showing extra care by the way.


New member
You're a fantastic boyfriend!

I have no idea when the contagious time frame ends. You should ensure she speaks with her doctors about this. They may be able to help find a better answer.

I'd expect my boyfriend to stay far far away from me when he is sick. Depends how sick though... If he's coughing up color then I want him no where near me...

I've been with him for 8 years and he got me sick for the first time in September.

I know this is useless but you're an awesome boyfriend! Keep her healthy... And don't forget to clean ;)