When is the Catheter put in?



LOL funny how it's things like a catheter that worries us more then having our ribs spread lmfao!!

I personally was dreading the catheter like everyone else, but once it was there, I loved it lmfao, nothing like being able to drink and pee without leaving the bed!!!


LOL funny how it's things like a catheter that worries us more then having our ribs spread lmfao!!

I personally was dreading the catheter like everyone else, but once it was there, I loved it lmfao, nothing like being able to drink and pee without leaving the bed!!!


LOL funny how it's things like a catheter that worries us more then having our ribs spread lmfao!!

I personally was dreading the catheter like everyone else, but once it was there, I loved it lmfao, nothing like being able to drink and pee without leaving the bed!!!


LOL funny how it's things like a catheter that worries us more then having our ribs spread lmfao!!

I personally was dreading the catheter like everyone else, but once it was there, I loved it lmfao, nothing like being able to drink and pee without leaving the bed!!!


LOL funny how it's things like a catheter that worries us more then having our ribs spread lmfao!!
<br />
<br />I personally was dreading the catheter like everyone else, but once it was there, I loved it lmfao, nothing like being able to drink and pee without leaving the bed!!!


New member
I had my port accessed when I went in to the hospital the day I was called because I was on IVs already, so I didn't have anything done at the transplant center before I was out for surgery.

For me I didn't even think about the catheter really. I didn't even understand the concept when I was first awake from surgery. I was arguing with the nurses that I needed a toilet or something and was almost combative when they told me to just pee - my thinking I am NOT going to pee in my bed. They ended up getting me a bed pan and sitting me on a chair like I was using the toilet lol.

I agree though the things that freak us out - not so much the surgery itself. I was terrified of an epiduryl until I woke up without one and just wanted something to relieve the pain. Then I was also concerned with how long I had to go without bathing lol.



New member
I had my port accessed when I went in to the hospital the day I was called because I was on IVs already, so I didn't have anything done at the transplant center before I was out for surgery.

For me I didn't even think about the catheter really. I didn't even understand the concept when I was first awake from surgery. I was arguing with the nurses that I needed a toilet or something and was almost combative when they told me to just pee - my thinking I am NOT going to pee in my bed. They ended up getting me a bed pan and sitting me on a chair like I was using the toilet lol.

I agree though the things that freak us out - not so much the surgery itself. I was terrified of an epiduryl until I woke up without one and just wanted something to relieve the pain. Then I was also concerned with how long I had to go without bathing lol.



New member
I had my port accessed when I went in to the hospital the day I was called because I was on IVs already, so I didn't have anything done at the transplant center before I was out for surgery.

For me I didn't even think about the catheter really. I didn't even understand the concept when I was first awake from surgery. I was arguing with the nurses that I needed a toilet or something and was almost combative when they told me to just pee - my thinking I am NOT going to pee in my bed. They ended up getting me a bed pan and sitting me on a chair like I was using the toilet lol.

I agree though the things that freak us out - not so much the surgery itself. I was terrified of an epiduryl until I woke up without one and just wanted something to relieve the pain. Then I was also concerned with how long I had to go without bathing lol.



New member
I had my port accessed when I went in to the hospital the day I was called because I was on IVs already, so I didn't have anything done at the transplant center before I was out for surgery.

For me I didn't even think about the catheter really. I didn't even understand the concept when I was first awake from surgery. I was arguing with the nurses that I needed a toilet or something and was almost combative when they told me to just pee - my thinking I am NOT going to pee in my bed. They ended up getting me a bed pan and sitting me on a chair like I was using the toilet lol.

I agree though the things that freak us out - not so much the surgery itself. I was terrified of an epiduryl until I woke up without one and just wanted something to relieve the pain. Then I was also concerned with how long I had to go without bathing lol.



New member
I had my port accessed when I went in to the hospital the day I was called because I was on IVs already, so I didn't have anything done at the transplant center before I was out for surgery.
<br />
<br />For me I didn't even think about the catheter really. I didn't even understand the concept when I was first awake from surgery. I was arguing with the nurses that I needed a toilet or something and was almost combative when they told me to just pee - my thinking I am NOT going to pee in my bed. They ended up getting me a bed pan and sitting me on a chair like I was using the toilet lol.
<br />
<br />I agree though the things that freak us out - not so much the surgery itself. I was terrified of an epiduryl until I woke up without one and just wanted something to relieve the pain. Then I was also concerned with how long I had to go without bathing lol.
<br />
<br />Lindsey


New member
Having seen people getting an epidural on tv, I always thought I'd never want that.

When I had had my call and came into ICU pre surgery they did all the tests they want before you go into surgery and after that they asked me if I wanted an epidural... At first it scared me but luckily I didn't have much time to think :) I went ahead and had them give me one before going into surgery and I have to say I loved it! I didn't really feel it when they fitted it and post surgery I had almost no pain.


New member
Having seen people getting an epidural on tv, I always thought I'd never want that.

When I had had my call and came into ICU pre surgery they did all the tests they want before you go into surgery and after that they asked me if I wanted an epidural... At first it scared me but luckily I didn't have much time to think :) I went ahead and had them give me one before going into surgery and I have to say I loved it! I didn't really feel it when they fitted it and post surgery I had almost no pain.


New member
Having seen people getting an epidural on tv, I always thought I'd never want that.

When I had had my call and came into ICU pre surgery they did all the tests they want before you go into surgery and after that they asked me if I wanted an epidural... At first it scared me but luckily I didn't have much time to think :) I went ahead and had them give me one before going into surgery and I have to say I loved it! I didn't really feel it when they fitted it and post surgery I had almost no pain.


New member
Having seen people getting an epidural on tv, I always thought I'd never want that.

When I had had my call and came into ICU pre surgery they did all the tests they want before you go into surgery and after that they asked me if I wanted an epidural... At first it scared me but luckily I didn't have much time to think :) I went ahead and had them give me one before going into surgery and I have to say I loved it! I didn't really feel it when they fitted it and post surgery I had almost no pain.


New member
Having seen people getting an epidural on tv, I always thought I'd never want that.
<br />
<br />When I had had my call and came into ICU pre surgery they did all the tests they want before you go into surgery and after that they asked me if I wanted an epidural... At first it scared me but luckily I didn't have much time to think :) I went ahead and had them give me one before going into surgery and I have to say I loved it! I didn't really feel it when they fitted it and post surgery I had almost no pain.


New member
I only had a couple of IV's put in before I went into surgery, everything else was after. They tried putting a central line in my arm (line that was for IV use and to measure blood pressure) but they could not get it in and deicded to wait until I was out. I wish that they would have done that in the first place. It would have saved me a lot of pain. I had a HUGE bruise on my arm from where they tried putting the line in and couldn't get it in.


New member
I only had a couple of IV's put in before I went into surgery, everything else was after. They tried putting a central line in my arm (line that was for IV use and to measure blood pressure) but they could not get it in and deicded to wait until I was out. I wish that they would have done that in the first place. It would have saved me a lot of pain. I had a HUGE bruise on my arm from where they tried putting the line in and couldn't get it in.


New member
I only had a couple of IV's put in before I went into surgery, everything else was after. They tried putting a central line in my arm (line that was for IV use and to measure blood pressure) but they could not get it in and deicded to wait until I was out. I wish that they would have done that in the first place. It would have saved me a lot of pain. I had a HUGE bruise on my arm from where they tried putting the line in and couldn't get it in.


New member
I only had a couple of IV's put in before I went into surgery, everything else was after. They tried putting a central line in my arm (line that was for IV use and to measure blood pressure) but they could not get it in and deicded to wait until I was out. I wish that they would have done that in the first place. It would have saved me a lot of pain. I had a HUGE bruise on my arm from where they tried putting the line in and couldn't get it in.


New member
I only had a couple of IV's put in before I went into surgery, everything else was after. They tried putting a central line in my arm (line that was for IV use and to measure blood pressure) but they could not get it in and deicded to wait until I was out. I wish that they would have done that in the first place. It would have saved me a lot of pain. I had a HUGE bruise on my arm from where they tried putting the line in and couldn't get it in.