New member
Hi all,
I am sure there has been a topic on this in the past, so I apologize if I am repeating anything. I tried to search for it but didn't see anything.
I am just wondering at what point people here had to stop working full-time, and how you came to that conclusion?
I am still fairly active when I'm not sick, however over the last 2 years I have had constant tune-ups and am on either IV or oral antibiotics quite a bit. My work has been pretty understanding up to this point, but I can't imagine they can continue to let me be out for 2+ weeks at a time every few months. I am pretty scared I will lose my job eventually.
At the same time, I don't know how to go about finding a new job since I would have to "prove" myself all over again and at this point I can't stay off antibiotics for longer than 3 months at a time. That's not a great first impression!
I would appreciate any advice, and I would love to know what was the final reason people stopped working. Was it from being sick or just not being able to find a place that is accepting?
Thanks everyone!
Alex, 27 year old female with CF. Diagnosed at 9 months.
I am sure there has been a topic on this in the past, so I apologize if I am repeating anything. I tried to search for it but didn't see anything.
I am just wondering at what point people here had to stop working full-time, and how you came to that conclusion?
I am still fairly active when I'm not sick, however over the last 2 years I have had constant tune-ups and am on either IV or oral antibiotics quite a bit. My work has been pretty understanding up to this point, but I can't imagine they can continue to let me be out for 2+ weeks at a time every few months. I am pretty scared I will lose my job eventually.
At the same time, I don't know how to go about finding a new job since I would have to "prove" myself all over again and at this point I can't stay off antibiotics for longer than 3 months at a time. That's not a great first impression!
I would appreciate any advice, and I would love to know what was the final reason people stopped working. Was it from being sick or just not being able to find a place that is accepting?
Thanks everyone!
Alex, 27 year old female with CF. Diagnosed at 9 months.