When were you dignosed with CF?


New member
Here is an interesting statistic we were given 21 years ago......90% of all babies born with a Meconium blockage have Cystic Fibrosis and 10% of CF babies are diagnosed due to a Meconium blockage. I'm not sure I have worded that correctly but I hope you all get it!


New member
I was diagnosed whe I was 3 after many respitory infections. They had to test me 2x's my doc didnt beleive I had it cuz I grew and ate so well and I was a little porka. Also Diagnosed w/ CFR diabetes at age 15 im now just a month shy of 22 and get hospitalized about 2-3 x/year. Ironically enough i have seemed to get alot better over the past 6 years( had a lot of problems emotionally and w/ my CF) . I was facing a liver/lung transplant then bounced back so well they said I'm not ready yet try again in a year or so.


New member
I was diagnosed the day before my 14th b-day. I had been getting a lot of stomach aches and I was coughing up blood...The family Dr. I was seeing said I was doing it all for attention...I dont know how anyone can cough up blood for attention but, anyhow, I finally went to the ER and the doc ordered the sweat test...Thats when I found out...Happy b-day, huh? And for the family doctor, he got out of town when he heard that he had been such an idiot!!!


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Our daughter was diagnosed at 10 weeks old....thankfully she is doing AWESOME!!!<img src="i/expressions/present.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


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6 Mounths for me got VERY sick with anumonia and almost died. no joke the docs said i wouldnt make it a mounth but here i am 20 years later still kicken


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I had meconium ileus at birth. I was rushed into emergency surgery at 24 hours old. Doctors began treating me for CF right then, but couldn't be officially diagnosed with a sweat test until I was 3 months old.


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7 months old. Failure to thrive. My aunt knew a lady whose baby had been diagnosed and had all the same symptoms as me. She told my mom to get me tested and I was off the charts - no second testing for me. I too was not looking like I was going to make it, but here I am! A 25 year old, married Mama! God is good!


New member
I was diagnosed at 5 years old when my younger brother was born with a bowel blockage. They did a sweat test on me and confirmed i had CF too.


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my daughter was dx at 3 1/2 months, she was admitted for aspiration pneumonia (has severe reflux) she was transferred to the childrens medical center of ga, thats when they decided to test her. She was not gaining weight and had very bad stools. She is almost 10 months old now and do very well. I am also a stay at mom. kw


New member
I was diagnosed at the ripe old age of 3 years young, now almost 37 and my brother was 5.....I think he's now 28, waiting for a lung transplant(was in hospital for 2 weeks with pneumonia in the lungs), but doing ok. My sister almost 30, lucked out and didn't get CF!!


New member
I was diagnosed after my younger brother was born. I was 2 at the time. Thank goodness he came along because I didnt show any signs of it till I was 16!!! and it's been downhill from there!