Where are we all from?


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Nickeyhey there i just want to tell you that maybe it's an act of god. You are not a bad mother. I'm very sure youre a great mother at heart. Just take care of your daughter and everything will be ok and your son too of course. That is the only thing that matters. You are a great mother and i know because god told me so. don't worry god has good things ahead for you and your family if you just belive. ByeGOD BLESS!!!!:


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Hi melissa, I just want you to know that I'm sorry that your son is in the childrens hospital. I promise to pray for your family because I have lots of faith in you. Please know that God has his wierd but smart ways and will help your family out. Just belive in him. I really hope your son gets well soon. God will help you through this. I promise. If you have time can you please e-mail me @smileyangel2001@yahoo.com my name is victoriathank you and GOD BLESS!!!<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="mailto:smileyangel2001@yahoo.com">yahoo.com</a>


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<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i>hi i will remain annoymous but you must know that it is an act of god to have a child and I pray that you will have it because god has good plans for you and will take great care of you and your family I promise<hr></blockquote>Hello, Our second baby's birthday will be August 4th (planned c-section). Thanks again! Paula Reganbtw: The baby has double Delta 508B.


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My name is Clarke Johnson im 33 years old with CF and have had a double lung transplant and have been out for about 7 years now. If anybody has any questions about CF email me at souixem2Yahoo.com


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Central Louisiana.CenLa area.My roots were traced back to the Acadians from Canadian coast.Byron 24w/C.F.Post Tx 1yr 3 months.


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My name is Alison, I am writing because today we found out that my pregnant sister-in-law is a carrier, we are trying to find out some information about CF. One of our questions is that because she is a carrier will the baby be a carrier too? and because she is a carrier does that mean that both of her parents are carriers or does one or even none have to be carriers for her to be a carrier? My brother has been tested we are just waiting on the results. Thanks so much


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Hi Allison,To answer your questions1) Will the baby be a carrier? There's a 1 in four chance she will be if only your sister in law is a carrier, a 50% chance if both parents turn out to be carriers. About 1 in 20 caucasians carry the CF gene, I'm not sure about the other races. Carriers don't have any symptoms. 2) I think #1 sort of answers your second question about your sister in law, but unless they are also tested, she will not know whether both or only one of her parents were carriers. And to have a baby that is a carrier, at least one of the parents have to be carriersBest of Luck!


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Hello to everyone, My name is Dave and I live in NJ. I'm 48, married 22 years, have two daughters and also have cf. Been enjoying the posts on here.


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You all sound so wonderful, and I'm glad to see everyone responding to the 'where is ..." by the way, I know I can go on a different sight but I like the sound of you all. So here it goes....... My friend has two children with Autism, 5 and 3yrs old. My question is, although they are seperate diseases (if you will) her autism boys and my CF. daughter, the on going argument between us is this. When she goes out in public, and her children act up sort of speak, she tells everyone they are autistic, yet when I am out with my daughter say at COstco, I refuse to label my child with something just because she has to swallow enzymes before she eats. Do you take it personally, or feel like it's labeling, if you have to justify your behaviour or your actions due to an illness? Do you have a complex from it, do you feel like it could have been handled differently??? thanks for your time and input...


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Hello, my son, Mikey, who just turned 3 has CF, have no idea what mutations he has but never really asked either. We live in Pittsburgh, PA and recieve excellent care at Children's Hospital Pittsburgh and the CF center there. mikeyhannahdonna@hotmail.com is our e-mail, love to hear from anyone who needs to talk or has some wisdom to offer.>>>> Donna mom of Mikey 3 w/CF and Hannah 5 w/o CF.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/sun.gif" border="0">