My twins are 8 months old now. They were diagnosed at 4 weeks. It was a total shock- I had a screen when pregnant with my first and it was negative- guess it was a false negative. I think that we have a realistic view of CF. We have family living with it and doing well. I was going to school originally for genetic counseling and switch after undergrad to teaching- so I know the research and the science of the disease. My struggle right now is balancing being mom and thinking with my heart and being a scientist and thinking with my brain- I know there is a balance but I am struggling. I am also finding it hard to find a place to turn. I don't talk to family because they FREAK OUT at the littlest change and I need support, not another person to comfort. After 8 months my friends are tired of listening. My husband is an awesome support and we are dealing together. Someone suggested support group- but between working full time, the twins and the three year old- where do I find the time. BUT I need an outlet. Counseling helps- but even there I feel like I am putting on a front. Not only am I raising twins- they have a lot of needs. I am tired, I feel helpless, I feel disheartened and unable to keep all the balls in the air. I have a three year old- no symptoms of CF, never even a sniffle or a poor weight gain. They say I have to sweat test her, and I know I do- but I am afraid. I feel like I still have control there (even if it is imagined). Where do you turn?