One thing to think about, the top rated centers are often located in large cities and but some of them have pollution problems due to car exhausts and so on. For example, Dallas Children's is a great clinic but like much of Texas, Dallas's air quality, during the summer, can be pretty bad. We found that on hot days, when we got about an hour outside of Dallas, Philip was start coughing a little, like he had a tickle in his throat. The cough would get a little worse as the day went on and then, within a couple of days, he would become sick enough to require prednisone and antibiotics. It only took a couple of times before we (the clinic and I) caught on to the fact that the times this happened was when the air quality indicators in Dallas were in the moderate to red zones.. the higher the indicators the worse he became. So, we tried not to schedule a regular (non-sick) visit during June/July/August. My advice is to check the air quality levels for any place you are thinking about moving too, especially during the hottest months of the year. Good luck!