where to get mucomyst



I know there is shortage of mucomyst right now i am in hosptial and they wont let me go home without being able to get it. I called all local pharmacies and they do not have any.


New member
Where do you live? I'm in California & they always say there is a shortage of Acetylcysteine 10%(mucomyst) but if I ask for a different concentration-- Acetylcysteine 20% they are always able to get it for me. You just have to mix 3ml of saline or albuterol with 3 ml of Acetylcysteine. I've never had a problem getting the 20%.
Also, is this a new prescription for you? Because I was also told that they were only going to keep giving mucomyst to patients who are currently on it & not write new prescriptions for people who have never used it before.


Super Moderator
Hi Ralika,

I'm SO sorry to hear your docs won't let you go home without mucomyst. However, I think they may have no choice. Right now it doesn't look like we may be able to get any anytime soon. I've been continuously checking the FDA's website and currently 2 out of the 3 manufacturers are no longer even given a projected release date. The one that is giving a projection says March 2013, so that gives me a tiny bit of hope but from what I've been told is that when there is a limited supply it goes to hospitals for inpatient use first, before being given to retail/other pharmacies.

Here is the link to the fda's page with regards to acetylcysteine:


Keefer, that's awesome you have been able to still get it. I had always used the 20% but when the shortage first started they switched to the 10%. Now the 2 pharmacies I had been able to find it at can no longer get either strength. Blah. I wonder if the pharmacy in California you are able to get it at just somehow had a large stock on-hand and that's how they've been able to continue supplying you? Otherwise, if somehow they are actually getting in new shipments, you may have to give us the name of they pharmacy and we could see if they could mail out our prescriptions! :)

Autumn 32 w/CF


I live in Las Vegas I am on the 20% if I go more then 4 hours without using it I get plugged and can't breathe nothing else has worked. pulmizine or hypertonic only thing that works is vest and mucomyst. been in 2 weeks now


New member
I'm a Kaiser patient, so I just get it through their Pharmacy's. Unfortunately they don't have any facilities in Las Vegas area, so you probably can't get it through them. Sorry I can't be of help.


New member
I posted a couple days ago but I guess it got blocked because I included a website? I've been having the same problem, and even the compounding pharmacy I contacted is out of the base ingredient. Last week I placed an order with an online Canadian pharmacy because I'm just that desperate. I have no clue how it'll go but I can keep you posted! It was $31.99 per 30mL vial of 20%, plus $9.99 shipping. I had to give them a list of meds and contact info for my doctor, and have my doctor send them a perscription. No idea how long it'll take until I actually get the medicine, but it has to be better than this indefinite manufacturer backorder nonsense. We shall see!

34 w/ CF


New member
Just got my medicine! The order went in on 3/8/13 and arrived today. It's name-brand Mucomyst produced by Wellspring Pharmaceutical Canada Corp. I'm still exploring whether I'll be able to get insurance to cover any of it. So if you can afford it, NorthWestPharmacy.com seems like a reliable source of Mucomyst for now.

34 w/ CF


New member
Just got my medicine! I ordered it on 3/8/13 and it arrived today. It's name-brand Mucomyst produced by WellSpring Pharmaceutical Canada Corp, I ordered it online from NorthWestPharmacy. Still exploring whether insurance will cover any of the cost, but if you can afford it this seems like a legitimite way to get Mucomyst for now.

34 w/ CF


Super Moderator

Thanks for updating us! I'm glad you got it! I've actually NEVER gotten brand name Mucomyst (always generic) so that would be new to me. Would you mind PMing me how much it cost you? I can also check their website, but wondering if they include price?

Thanks again for posting!

Autumn 32 w/CF


Super Moderator
Oops, I'm back! :)


Just checked out the website and see that it does include the prices. So please disregard my previous post.

Looks like they are out of stock on the 10 ml vials and only have the 30 ml vials. The problem with those is that I don't use it fast enough as the label says not to use after being opened for 96 hours. So i always get the 10 ml vials. I will keep checking though to see if they get any of the 10s in stock.

Another question though, what were your doctor's thoughts on ordering from Canada? Did he/she have any reservations?

Thanks again,



New member
Just wanted to let you know that they currently have 10mL vials in stock for 14.49 each. I can't believe Mucomyst is STILL so hard to get, it's beyond ridiculous already!

34 w/ CF


Super Moderator
Thanks Eliana! I'll check it out again. Stinks to have to pay out of pocket for it, but it might be worth it! My doc said he would give me the prescription for it if I wanted to try it.

Unfortunately, my doctor told me he thinks they are going to stop making mucomyst altogether. If he is correct, that is a total bummer. He said there just aren't many uses for it anymore, that they mainly used it for overdoses, and now they have different drugs that are better for that. UGH.

Thanks again, and take care.

Autumn 32 w.cf