Dear unclet - hang in there. What you will find as time goes on is that "normal" is relevant. There will be days, believe or not, that it is not the first thing you think about in the morning or the last thing you think about at night - likewise -there will days when CF is both. You will find strength and not know where it comes from - it just is there when you need it. My daughter was diagnosed at 3 months of age - she is now 11 - and there are still times I run and cry where she can not see me. She faces more in some days than I have in my entire life. In the end I figured out that I have to be strong when it counts but you are still human - and you just learn to appreciate the little things - the things mothers/parents around you will take for granted every day. Not sure if that is a bad thing or makes you a better or stronger person - but it is the reality of anyone that has a child with a disease. I hope your appointment goes well tomorrow. Take comfort in knowing others know where you are - and feel for you. Most of all - ask for help when you need it. People do want to be there for you - let them.