The only thing is Pat, this is all a part of the community. We are not always lovey dovey here. We are real people and with all kinds of differences. Yes, it's a support community, but I also think that if someone says something in my thread, that I don't like, I should have a right to reply. Why does one person get to make all the smart a$$ remarks and then we have to sit back and let her blow her mouth. People try to post a thread, asking something and they shouldn't have to worry about snide remarks. But we are all adults and can take care of ourselves, and we will not all agree with each other. We are a support community, and will support each other on the threads also.
But you are right, I have tried to keep the peace, and I have stirred things up, so I have been on both sides. We get some interesting conversations, sometimes tho'. Kind of like a cleansing rush of water and then the site goes back to its gentle flow. I just think the thread should have been locked, not just disappear. But I trust Jeanne to do what is best for the community.