Whether to get a feeding tube or not?


New member
I might not know much aout toddlers getting the tube (I'm only 15), but I got mine at the age of two months. It helps at some point but gets in the way. It might be a good idea to wait until the child knows what it is and will understand what it's for.


New member
I might not know much aout toddlers getting the tube (I'm only 15), but I got mine at the age of two months. It helps at some point but gets in the way. It might be a good idea to wait until the child knows what it is and will understand what it's for.


New member
I might not know much aout toddlers getting the tube (I'm only 15), but I got mine at the age of two months. It helps at some point but gets in the way. It might be a good idea to wait until the child knows what it is and will understand what it's for.


New member
I understand what you are saying about wanting to wait until the child can understand what the tube is for and therefore being able to help participate in the decision-making process. In an ideal world, we wouldn't put our kids through any procedures until they were old enough to be able to consent to them (with the reasoning skills to be able to look at the pros and cons and long-term consequences of either choice.) However, by that point, the child's health and well-being can be in so much jeopardy that waiting is simply NOT in their best interests. In this case, it comes down to preserving long-term health and adding YEARS to life by providing the best possible start through good nutrition. I am certain that is what your parents were trying to provide for you, as well. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I understand what you are saying about wanting to wait until the child can understand what the tube is for and therefore being able to help participate in the decision-making process. In an ideal world, we wouldn't put our kids through any procedures until they were old enough to be able to consent to them (with the reasoning skills to be able to look at the pros and cons and long-term consequences of either choice.) However, by that point, the child's health and well-being can be in so much jeopardy that waiting is simply NOT in their best interests. In this case, it comes down to preserving long-term health and adding YEARS to life by providing the best possible start through good nutrition. I am certain that is what your parents were trying to provide for you, as well. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I understand what you are saying about wanting to wait until the child can understand what the tube is for and therefore being able to help participate in the decision-making process. In an ideal world, we wouldn't put our kids through any procedures until they were old enough to be able to consent to them (with the reasoning skills to be able to look at the pros and cons and long-term consequences of either choice.) However, by that point, the child's health and well-being can be in so much jeopardy that waiting is simply NOT in their best interests. In this case, it comes down to preserving long-term health and adding YEARS to life by providing the best possible start through good nutrition. I am certain that is what your parents were trying to provide for you, as well. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
We are finally back from the hospital! Yay! He had IV antibiotics and the vigorous CF protocol all 14 days. The G-tube was placed via open surgery due to tons of scar tissue from previous surgeries. Hmw, you are correct that they start with a G-tube and see how it goes before proceeding to a J-tube. I think we will be fine with just the G-tube.

Hmw - Thank you for mentioning that this posting was missing. I went to look for it one day and couldn't find it. I'll start a posting in the "Families" forum like you mentioned.


New member
We are finally back from the hospital! Yay! He had IV antibiotics and the vigorous CF protocol all 14 days. The G-tube was placed via open surgery due to tons of scar tissue from previous surgeries. Hmw, you are correct that they start with a G-tube and see how it goes before proceeding to a J-tube. I think we will be fine with just the G-tube.

Hmw - Thank you for mentioning that this posting was missing. I went to look for it one day and couldn't find it. I'll start a posting in the "Families" forum like you mentioned.


New member
We are finally back from the hospital! Yay! He had IV antibiotics and the vigorous CF protocol all 14 days. The G-tube was placed via open surgery due to tons of scar tissue from previous surgeries. Hmw, you are correct that they start with a G-tube and see how it goes before proceeding to a J-tube. I think we will be fine with just the G-tube.
<br />
<br />Hmw - Thank you for mentioning that this posting was missing. I went to look for it one day and couldn't find it. I'll start a posting in the "Families" forum like you mentioned.


New member
My 22 yo son just had his tummy tube removed after 7 years. We have about 30 Kangaroo 1000ml pump bags left. Anyone need them? I'm in NC. Yes, getting it was an agonizing decision, but yes, it was a life saver.


New member
My 22 yo son just had his tummy tube removed after 7 years. We have about 30 Kangaroo 1000ml pump bags left. Anyone need them? I'm in NC. Yes, getting it was an agonizing decision, but yes, it was a life saver.


New member
My 22 yo son just had his tummy tube removed after 7 years. We have about 30 Kangaroo 1000ml pump bags left. Anyone need them? I'm in NC. Yes, getting it was an agonizing decision, but yes, it was a life saver.