Which clinical trial are you in?



Aidan, aged 4, was in the DHA formula study his first year of life. LOVED IT!

Now he is in the EPIC study,observational at this point, because he has not yet cultured PA.

It looks like he may now qualify for the Denufosal study and hopefully VX809 when it goes to the young Double Deltas.

Although it adds more treatments and more bloodwork, we feel it has to be done.



Aidan, aged 4, was in the DHA formula study his first year of life. LOVED IT!

Now he is in the EPIC study,observational at this point, because he has not yet cultured PA.

It looks like he may now qualify for the Denufosal study and hopefully VX809 when it goes to the young Double Deltas.

Although it adds more treatments and more bloodwork, we feel it has to be done.



Aidan, aged 4, was in the DHA formula study his first year of life. LOVED IT!

Now he is in the EPIC study,observational at this point, because he has not yet cultured PA.

It looks like he may now qualify for the Denufosal study and hopefully VX809 when it goes to the young Double Deltas.

Although it adds more treatments and more bloodwork, we feel it has to be done.



Aidan, aged 4, was in the DHA formula study his first year of life. LOVED IT!

Now he is in the EPIC study,observational at this point, because he has not yet cultured PA.

It looks like he may now qualify for the Denufosal study and hopefully VX809 when it goes to the young Double Deltas.

Although it adds more treatments and more bloodwork, we feel it has to be done.



Aidan, aged 4, was in the DHA formula study his first year of life. LOVED IT!
<br />
<br />Now he is in the EPIC study,observational at this point, because he has not yet cultured PA.
<br />
<br />It looks like he may now qualify for the Denufosal study and hopefully VX809 when it goes to the young Double Deltas.
<br />
<br />Although it adds more treatments and more bloodwork, we feel it has to be done.
<br />
<br />Megan


New member

What effects did you see from the DHA formula? I've read a little on how it's hypothesized to be anti-inflammatory, but I'm curious exactly what you saw.

And was the formula in addition to breast milk? Or was this post-breast feeding? Or instead of it?



New member

What effects did you see from the DHA formula? I've read a little on how it's hypothesized to be anti-inflammatory, but I'm curious exactly what you saw.

And was the formula in addition to breast milk? Or was this post-breast feeding? Or instead of it?



New member

What effects did you see from the DHA formula? I've read a little on how it's hypothesized to be anti-inflammatory, but I'm curious exactly what you saw.

And was the formula in addition to breast milk? Or was this post-breast feeding? Or instead of it?



New member

What effects did you see from the DHA formula? I've read a little on how it's hypothesized to be anti-inflammatory, but I'm curious exactly what you saw.

And was the formula in addition to breast milk? Or was this post-breast feeding? Or instead of it?



New member
<br />
<br />What effects did you see from the DHA formula? I've read a little on how it's hypothesized to be anti-inflammatory, but I'm curious exactly what you saw.
<br />
<br />And was the formula in addition to breast milk? Or was this post-breast feeding? Or instead of it?
<br />
<br />Thanks!


New member
Do you really want to know about my experience with inhaled Aztreoman? It wasnt good.
Since it was the only trial that allowed those with b.cepacia , i decided to try it. The first time i tried it, it made me so short of breath even after doing albuterol right before hand.I'm not sure if it was the medicine or the Eflow itself that made me short of breath but the mist was so dense that I would cough and cough and could not continue with the treatment. It got to the point where i was not getting even half the medicine in me, so i dropped out of the study. Almost a year later, i decided to try again. I still had some shortness of breath while inhaling it thru the eflow but i pushed myself to keep doing the treatment. A few days later i had a few small hemop episodes and a few more days later a large hemop that required an embolization and then 2 more embolizations shortly after that. Obviously my Dr. took me off that study. Now of coarse the hemops could all be coincidence and have nothing to do with the AZLI or the Eflow, but i dont think i'll ever use either of them again.
I used to do other drug studies before i was cepacia + , but most now a days require you to be cepacia neg. to enroll. I do however do every other type of study that comes around whether it be online or telephone, or thru mail.


New member
Do you really want to know about my experience with inhaled Aztreoman? It wasnt good.
Since it was the only trial that allowed those with b.cepacia , i decided to try it. The first time i tried it, it made me so short of breath even after doing albuterol right before hand.I'm not sure if it was the medicine or the Eflow itself that made me short of breath but the mist was so dense that I would cough and cough and could not continue with the treatment. It got to the point where i was not getting even half the medicine in me, so i dropped out of the study. Almost a year later, i decided to try again. I still had some shortness of breath while inhaling it thru the eflow but i pushed myself to keep doing the treatment. A few days later i had a few small hemop episodes and a few more days later a large hemop that required an embolization and then 2 more embolizations shortly after that. Obviously my Dr. took me off that study. Now of coarse the hemops could all be coincidence and have nothing to do with the AZLI or the Eflow, but i dont think i'll ever use either of them again.
I used to do other drug studies before i was cepacia + , but most now a days require you to be cepacia neg. to enroll. I do however do every other type of study that comes around whether it be online or telephone, or thru mail.


New member
Do you really want to know about my experience with inhaled Aztreoman? It wasnt good.
Since it was the only trial that allowed those with b.cepacia , i decided to try it. The first time i tried it, it made me so short of breath even after doing albuterol right before hand.I'm not sure if it was the medicine or the Eflow itself that made me short of breath but the mist was so dense that I would cough and cough and could not continue with the treatment. It got to the point where i was not getting even half the medicine in me, so i dropped out of the study. Almost a year later, i decided to try again. I still had some shortness of breath while inhaling it thru the eflow but i pushed myself to keep doing the treatment. A few days later i had a few small hemop episodes and a few more days later a large hemop that required an embolization and then 2 more embolizations shortly after that. Obviously my Dr. took me off that study. Now of coarse the hemops could all be coincidence and have nothing to do with the AZLI or the Eflow, but i dont think i'll ever use either of them again.
I used to do other drug studies before i was cepacia + , but most now a days require you to be cepacia neg. to enroll. I do however do every other type of study that comes around whether it be online or telephone, or thru mail.


New member
Do you really want to know about my experience with inhaled Aztreoman? It wasnt good.
Since it was the only trial that allowed those with b.cepacia , i decided to try it. The first time i tried it, it made me so short of breath even after doing albuterol right before hand.I'm not sure if it was the medicine or the Eflow itself that made me short of breath but the mist was so dense that I would cough and cough and could not continue with the treatment. It got to the point where i was not getting even half the medicine in me, so i dropped out of the study. Almost a year later, i decided to try again. I still had some shortness of breath while inhaling it thru the eflow but i pushed myself to keep doing the treatment. A few days later i had a few small hemop episodes and a few more days later a large hemop that required an embolization and then 2 more embolizations shortly after that. Obviously my Dr. took me off that study. Now of coarse the hemops could all be coincidence and have nothing to do with the AZLI or the Eflow, but i dont think i'll ever use either of them again.
I used to do other drug studies before i was cepacia + , but most now a days require you to be cepacia neg. to enroll. I do however do every other type of study that comes around whether it be online or telephone, or thru mail.


New member
Do you really want to know about my experience with inhaled Aztreoman? It wasnt good.
<br />Since it was the only trial that allowed those with b.cepacia , i decided to try it. The first time i tried it, it made me so short of breath even after doing albuterol right before hand.I'm not sure if it was the medicine or the Eflow itself that made me short of breath but the mist was so dense that I would cough and cough and could not continue with the treatment. It got to the point where i was not getting even half the medicine in me, so i dropped out of the study. Almost a year later, i decided to try again. I still had some shortness of breath while inhaling it thru the eflow but i pushed myself to keep doing the treatment. A few days later i had a few small hemop episodes and a few more days later a large hemop that required an embolization and then 2 more embolizations shortly after that. Obviously my Dr. took me off that study. Now of coarse the hemops could all be coincidence and have nothing to do with the AZLI or the Eflow, but i dont think i'll ever use either of them again.
<br /> I used to do other drug studies before i was cepacia + , but most now a days require you to be cepacia neg. to enroll. I do however do every other type of study that comes around whether it be online or telephone, or thru mail.