Which neb do you use for TOBI?



I have been trying to make sure my son is getting his treatments exactly how they are meant to be given. For example, making sure the cups are sterilized every night; rinsed out, and dried after each treatment during the day..He was using the Pari LC, but his RT at the clinic mentioned the AeroEclipse Reusable Breath Actuated (R BAN) neb - ordered them for us - and we started using them this week.

We have the mouthpiece that came with the neb but he's 4 and getting him to hold it snug in his mouth for 3 different nebs...ha! We also have the Ped. Aerosol Dragon mask. I have been using this for his hypertonic saline - takes about 30 min. Then Pulmozyme using the mouthpiece - takes less than 10 min. Then onto the dreaded TOBI. Since it has been taking so long, I don't make him use the mouthpiece (even though I know it delivers the medicine better). Straight from the vile, TOBI measures 1 1/4 tsp. After 30 min of nebbing it, there is 1/2 tsp. We have been stopping after 30 min because RT said this neb is better.

Some of you guys on here are saying you can neb it in 20-25 min! Do you mean that after 20-25 min the liquid is completely gone?! I don't feel like my son is getting all the medicine because of the 1/2 tsp that is left in the chamber after 30 min.

ideas/thoughts/suggestions ??



Hi Courtney -
I use the Trio electronic nebulizer made by PARI. It will blast through a regular TOBI dose in 5-6 minutes. It is much faster than a typical air compresser-driven nebulizer. Your CF center should be able to help you get one of these nebulizers. They are the top of the line these days. Also, if you order your TOBI through one of the pharmacies (like Foundation Care 877-291-1122) that cater to CF patients, they will send you the nebulizer for free. I think your son will get much better and FASTER results with one of them! Hope you try it. Dan 815-361-5045.