Why am I still sick?


New member
Here's the gig. While your body is flighting off a cold or the flu, bacteria that normally hang out in your body (PA, MRSA, cepacia, or just normal Staph) can grow out of control. Hence, a lung infection.

When I was younger this never happened to me. But as I have gotten older, and in the past year or two, every one of my colds has turned into a lung infection.

As my doc likes to say "misery loves company."

I would go on an antibiotic ASAP. Although its true that antibiotics dont' treat viral infections (your body will have to do that itself), antibiotics to do treat normal CF flora.


New member
My troubles last year were "triggered" by a virus which led to a terrible infection. My airways closed down completely & I was dehydrated. Betweens the fevers, dehydration & the infection if took forever to feel like I was ever to going to feel normal. I couldnt have done it without the continuous iv's which helped to rehydrate me. It took weeks of the virus before I realized the infection was happening also. Now I have an idea & can catch it early. You would think after dealing with this for 30 years I would have the hang of it, but this virual thing & airways closure is all new to me!


New member
Sorry Chad, don't know what else to add.

Just wanted to say i hope you are able to fix this problem and feel better soon.

Tkae care and keep us posted.

Eli(not logged in)


New member
The last year or so I was put on Cipro for the 3 colds that I got.

Doc says I wouldn't have had to be on Cipro as often if TOBI was still working for me. That's probably why I never needed antibiotics before - because TOBI would take of it for me.

But I'm resis to Tobramycin now and he attributes increased exacerbations to TOBI not working. I'll probaly be on Colliston (sp?) soon and I bet I won't get exacerbations so often because I'm on an antibiotic all the time.

Frustrates me to be on so many antibiotics - I feel like someday soon I'll be pan-resistant. But what's my alternative? I guess OO, but I'll admit, I'm too chicken sh!t to do it...


New member
Are you the outdoor type? I had symptoms similar...fever for 2 weeks, exhaustion, headache, neck ache. I had been biten by a tick and contracted ehrlichiosis. It was treated easily with an antibiotic. It's a newer infectious disease, so I think many docs don't think about it. I would have them do a blood test asap...it can be deadly. Doxycycline clears it up quickly.